You can see how these 3 types of Types bleed into each other. Like how Normal are very frequently mammals, and are also Elemental in the sense of representing neutral energy. Or how Flying stands for bird life, literal flight and an air elemental all in one. It's all over the place.
My suggestion: Pokémon needs to distinguish between Types/Elements and. . . something else. Something needs to be done with the knowledge that the Types are all completely different things, and do no mach up with each other. It's just confusing. In particular, the Behavior Types like Fighting, Dark and Flying could easily be implemented into the game as innate qualities of some sort. Types like Dragon and Bug shouldn't really be Types at all. They should be their own, entirely separate thing.
Pokémon's Type system is very simple and clean, but I'd change it so it's no so. . .unwieldy.