>>420109911. A vicious predator. It often uses its arm-like fins on the beach to prey on Corphish and Krabby.
2. The spikes on its head contain massive amounts of venom. Its bright colours warn potential predators of its power.
3. Little is known about this Pokemon. Centuries-old folk tale describe it as a "scourge of the winter".
4. It stiffens its legs and arms and waits for victims. Little children are often warned about it.
5. It sits completely still in the desert for days on end, attempting to regulate its body temperature.
6. Commonly found in gardens. Preys on small, insect pokemon, with a record time of two months for digestion.
7. Its bumps cause illness to those nearby and are incredibly itchy. It is a miserable creature.
8. A mountaintop pokemon thought to be bred by warrior descendants. It is an antisocial creature.