Check out the WIP Mesoamerican recommended reading guide I have here:
>>>/his/7743977 , and my general set of resources with book scans, an art drive, links to booklists (since the recommended reading image is WIP and only has Spanich COnquest stuff right now, not stuff on specific civilizations and their culture/history or other topics), askhistorian posts, etc here >>>/his7766060
>>42030717The difference is that the Library of Alexandria was (an admittedly large) single library, coming from an area of the world where many other libraries didn't burn down at the same time, where you continued to have exchanges of information and to this day tens of thousands of written records still survive,
That's not to say that EVERYTHING in the library of Alexandria had copies elsewhere, but it's not comparable since that in contrast, in Mesoamerica, EVERY single library or collection of books that the Spanish came across got torched. There's literally less then 20 surviving pre-contact texts we know about (thankfully, there's a few hundred surviving from the conquest/early coilional period which re-records some of the same information that would have been lost otherwise, but the vast majority of these are speffically for the Aztec, not other civilizations in the area, and even then it's a fraction of what we would have had for them and there's severe bias issues due to the context they were written in, either by Spanish authors or by Aztec nobles trying to still appeal to Spanish authority)
It'd be like if not just Alexandria, but if every library across the Mediterranean had burned.
>>42032687As far as i'm aware no, most of the sources we have talking about 8-Deer are considered to be historical, though as with most ancient socities a lot of the sources we do have have at least some semi-legendary elements, but I doubt that part is for reasons I don't have enough characters left with the post limit to type out, I might make another post to clarify