>>42060761Almost every gym leader still does it.
Falkner = Falcon
Bugsy = Bugs
Whitney = White a.k.a bland a.k.a Normal
Morty = Mortal (in regars to life) or Mourn
Chuck = Knuckle or Chuck as in to throw.
Jasmine = jasMINE
Pryce = pr-YCE or Ice
Clair = Air as in sky, because dragons fly.
Roxxane = Rocks-anne
Brawly = As in Brawl
Watson = as in Watts
Flannery = as in Flame
Norman = as in Normal
Winonna = Wind or Wing
Tate and Liza = Levitate I guess.
Juan = ?
Roark = Sounds like rock
Gardenia = Garden
Fantina = Phantom
Maylene = Lean muscle
Wake = just means a disturbance in water or could be a play on wave.
Byron = Iron
Candice = candICE
Volkner = Voltage
Chili = Chili pepper
Cilan = Cilantro
Cress = Watercress
Cheren = ?
Lenora = Le' normal
Roxie = Toxic
Burgh = Bug
Elesa = Electric
Clay = Clay comes from the ground
Skyla = Sky
Brycen = br-ICE-n
Iris = ?
Drayden = Dragon
Marlon = Marlin is a type of fish
Viola = Viola is a class on insect
Grant = short for Granite
Korrina = Arena
Ramos = Moss
Clemont = Comes from lemon. Lemoms are yellow, and cotrus3can produce electricity.
Valerie = Spelling of it looks a bit like Faerie
Olympia = Olympian meaning celestial
Wulfric = Wolf, wolves lives in the arctic.
Milo = somes from Yarro.
Nessa = Loch Ness Monster.
Kabu = Ka means fire in japanese
Bea = Short for Beat
Allister = Aleister Crowley an occultist
Opal = Is a jewel. Shiny means fairy
Gordie = comes from ore
Melony = ?
Piers = comes from pierce. Meaning to stab.
Raihan = it just sounds cool I guess