>>42066200they can easily be misunderstood cultural revivalists who want to see a return in growth of an impactful experience they hold to from yesteryear instead of just goons
A major obvious improvement would be NOT to make it just a corridor that leads to a half court rock show where a Gym Battle takes place. Give Spikemuth some depth and history.
Spikemuth should have been a city of artistic alternative culture. In its prime, its economy and notoriety was based on antiestablishment musical performances with gritty fashion, complimented by choreographic pokemon battles. This cultural identity was embodied by a hometown rising star, Piers who rose the bar to which Team Yell would be the gatekeepers of.
Sometime during or Piers’ Leage Challenge, Everything changed. Dynamax Pokemon took Galar by storm and ultimately Piers’ challenge was ended by his lack of strategy against Dynamax pokemon. Stadiums became the standard in Pokemon Battling entertainment and Spikemuth was feeling the pressure to build its own stadium to accommodate the spectators and house the enormous monstrosities inside.
this went into practice and for a time Spikemuth Had a Stadium, but the rowdy personality of Spikemuth and the crazed Galarians fanatics joined with the rough and gritty atmosphere for the perfect storm to let out emotions felt from the intense performance. Adrenaline fueled fans floosed onto the streets and to let out their energy they formed riots and took it out on the city.
Piers and Team Yell hated the sporty and destructive nature of dynamax fans and opted to tear down the stadium, plunging the town into an economic depression. Piers can bring some attention but Team Yell went crazy over the thought of the new blood Marnie taking the stage in the league challenge
Heres where their ‘villainous’ motives should be establish; Protect Marnies career by wearing down the competition and my suggestion, team yell to boo dynamaxing and cause a muck around dynamax dens,