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What do you want to see in Gen 10

No.42097452 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My ideas:
- Open World
- HM's are back (as a 5th attack option) to overcome restricting areas
- New HM's, a Pokémon that hacks into a system so you can open a door, digging to access underground tunnels, cut for cutting down trees/plants so you can make a fire or use it to build your house. You need a fire Pokémon to burn the wood. You can get a bee Pokémon that makes flowers eatable to make tea or food out of them. Surfing will be good until you have enough money to buy a boat. Teleport HM for fast travel
- Team Rocket is teaming up with Team Aqua and Team Magma, 3 huge hideouts you can explore and fight your way through
- side quests like rescuing Pokémon, help the professor of the region with collecting data and rare Pokémon, catch Pokémon for people who need them for their jobs (like a farm), free Pokémon from Zoo's and other illegal activities
- 10 gyms, every gym feels different, some require HM's to find them or get access
- Many cities with some hidden ones, you can buy cars and ships at dealerships.
- You can build your own house, catch Pokémon that are helpful with getting materials and help you build it. You can buy decoration in one of the many cities or earn it through side quests, fishing contests or bike rallies
- There are also tournaments in the cities, you compete against other Pokémon in mini games like 100m sprinting, highest jumps, heavy lifting etc. (Pokémon Stadium)
- There are licenses in the game for Breeding, Cars, Fishing and Boats. Put in some work! Breeding will be the longest one to complete.