>>42102831Said it before, but am I the only person here that loves this news, but not because I actually think the games are good in the slightest? In fact, the Switch games as a whole feels like a magnificent test to see just how little you can put into a mainline title while still making an equal or greater profit.
Unironically, this is what keeps me coming back to /vp/ and /v/ to check the latest Pokemon news - the actual mainline games themselves these days are horrendously milquetoast and boring; they're equally predictable shlock with storytelling worse than SNES games and one of the most predictable formulas around. If you've played one game, you've effectively played them all, and every "new" experience from a new game is basically just something you got from an older game but reskinned and called something different. In all ways, there's nothing new games offers that couldn't be replicated by booting up Showdown and playing with someone else. Now the -fanbase- on the other hand, this is the best part of them all, because this gen has revealed so much. Shit, dude, I can already see it now - the people that were fawning over Sword and Shield and calling them the best games ever will clap when the Wild Area and Dynamaxing are cut next gen, and say "no one actually liked them anyway".
So in short, I'm genuinely excited to see Sword and Shield sell as many units as possible all for the sake of accelerationism, and watching the fanbase sink lower and lower to defend games with progressively less effort put into them all for the sake of defending their favorite brand name. If you've ever wanted to do a real analysis on the power of brand names, Pokemon is easily one of the best picks right now. As for those that really loved Pokemon and are upset the games will never rise in quality, all I can say is that sucks, but at this point I'd just stick to Showdown, ROM hacks, or even just finding a new franchise to play, emulation has never been easier these days.