tryan to fill up my dex for the shiny charm, anyone wanna help? most I need are Sword exclusives, some I'm just too lazy to get.
Passimian, Drampa, Turtonator, Scorbunny, Sobble, and Swirlix+Whipped Dream or Slurpuff, Arromatisse, Zacian/Zamazenta touch-trades (I'll send my Eternatus for collatoral or something)
preevos and evos are fine too, I don't mind breeding or leveling, don't care about IVs or anything either, just need my shiny charm
Magic Bounce 5 IVs Hatennas, natures are all over the place. a good chunk of em should be Quiet.
7 Fish fossils, 3 Drake fossils, Croagunk, Solosis, Lunatone, G-Rapidash, and a Larvitar egg. Could probably round up some other Shield exclusives if ya need me to.