>Big BadThe user takes 15% less damage from a Pokemon that is smaller than it (in height) and is immune to their status moves
>GallantThe same, but for larger targets
>DreamcatcherThe user collects positive thoughts while they are asleep, recovering a small amount of hp every turn.
>FidgetyIf the user takes no damage from an attack this turn, nor lands a hit, the next turn they will inflict double damage.
>Flank Attack>Normal/ physical/ 80 bp/ 10 ppInflicts 50% more damage on a target that is not directly in front of the user in a double battle
>Swan Song>Normal/ special/ 40 bp/ 30 ppThe user sings a haunting melody to damage the foe. Not even fainting will interrupt this move, and will actually double its power.
>Nectar Tap>Bug/ status/ 10 ppThe user drinks an energy-packed nectar that recovers 1/3 of their hp and raises their speed by 1 stage.
>Bicker>Dark/ status/ 5 ppThe user's multiple heads squabble among one another over their biggest weakness. This drastically raises their lowest stat.
>False Tail>Dragon/ status/ 5 ppThe user sacrifices 1/4 of their hp to detach their tail and swap to another partner, leaving a one-turn substitute to protect them.
>Possess>Ghost/ status/ 10 ppThe target is manipulated into replacing their own stat changes with those of the user.
>Momentum>Steel/ physical/ 40 bp/ 25 ppThe user launches itself at the target at high speed. The user's base attack stat and modifiers to the speed stat is used to calculate damage.