[84 / 16 / ?]
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Smogon is NOT the official meta. Smogon is a FANFIC meta. It is made by neckbeards and losers on a literal fanmade FORUM. Smogon bans random Pokemon because they can't adapt, and only want to play with STALLMONS like Toxapex and Ferrothorn. Smogon is NOT the real metagame. Smogon is NOT how Pokemon was intended to be played. Just because Smogon is more popular does NOT mean you have to play by their stupid BABBY rules. There is actually an OFFICIAL metagame, and it is called VGC. Unlike Smogon, VGC is official, meaning it is the REAL game endorsed by Nintendo. This means you should play it. If you play VGC you get to compete in OFFICIAL tournaments, and win PRIZE MONEY. This does NOT happen in fanfic meta Smogon! If you play VGC you get to play fast paced, action packed battles where skill is the most valuable part of a player. If you play fanfic meta, you have to use stall teams that take 100 turns to win, and there is NO SKILL in fanfic meta stallfest Smogon. If you play VGC, you get to use your bros. If you play fanfic Smogon, you have to use Toxapex, Excadrill, Ferrothorn, Tyranitar and Dragapult on EVERY team or else you will be mocked for being low ladder. If you play VGC, you will have FUN. If you play Smogon fanfic meta, you will be a sad loser competing for muh sacred elo and NOTHING ELSE. If you play VGC, you will become FAMOUS. If you play Smogon, no one will remember your "accomplishments" in a fanfic meta. So what does this all mean? Well, it means you should play the far SUPERIOR OFFICIAL VGC META, and delete your Smogon fanfic account immediately. No need to thank me.
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>>42180802 This is a great post, perhaps too deep for /vp/.
>community forum automatically equals fanfic So that means the front runner of competitive CS, ESEA, and smashboards all also fanfics for self regulating rules in their games of interest. What's the definition of a fanfic website anyways?>smogon always plays with stallmons True but that's singles in general, if you are high and mighty about official metas you'd know that singles has been this way for years>smogon is not official Great, you don't have to play it.>it's official so it's good Counter-Strike used to have officially 45 bomb timers until people complained about the fact that 45 seconds was way too much time. Games like LoL get patched regularly for imbalances and issues. Just because it is official does not mean its flawless.>you will win money by playing the official format Unlikely, VGC prize payouts are miniscule to other competitive games. That's all I want to say about that for now. I'm primarily a VGC player but even I can see through that bullshit. Let people play the games how they want.
Skill is required for Pokemon? I tought you just need to copy paste the same meta and spam the same combinaison of moves
>>42180802 Thank you Captain Obvious
>>42180802 Seething dynashitter
>>42180960 >>42180970 >>42180976 >>42180984 r/woooosh
So this is the power of 4channelers... pathetic. Redditbros, this is simple. ATTACK!
>>42180802 Shut up verlisify.
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>>42180802 This reminds me of that verlisify youtuber.
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>>42180802 also smogon is gay
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>>42180802 Pokemon was designed to be fanfic-bait. Virtually everything that came out of Pokemon is fanfiction. This shouldn't surprise anyone.
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>>42180970 Actually try doing that.
You won't be able to break 1200 elo.
>42180802 This is literrally the most nonsense PSA in the world. This is an actual case of "If you don't like, don't play." Let people enjoy this shit instead of shoving your beliefs down others throats.
>>42181101 That's like saying (not true, but the point still stands):
>"Reminder that all the official Overwatch champions in the recent years have been active TF2 users." Dante !NrBbTDvnqg
>>42181123 Go back to smogon
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>>42181169 That would be true if the Overwatch champions went back to and actively competed in TF2, which they don't. This is a bad comparison.
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>>42181201 Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
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>>42180802 Do you really need attention this badly?
>>42180802 the problem with smogon is that "the council" that makes all the decisions is run by unelected powertripping manchildren
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>>42181806 You earn it with your ELO
>>42181806 Literally everything except the most blatantly OP bullshit is voted on by the community though?
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>>42180802 slow frail mix attackers will never be viable. stay mad
>>42181824 Galar darmanitan was never suspect tested
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I like to play on Pokémon showdowns vgc ladder so I can test a team out before I build it in game. Fuck those smogon rules though, I never play by those.
>>42180802 >playing Pokemon competitively Anonymous
>>42181845 >except for the most blatantly OP bullshit Anonymous
>>42180802 >There is actually an OFFICIAL metagame, and it is called VGC. Unlike Smogon, VGC is official, meaning it is the REAL game endorsed by Nintendo. This means you should play it. yeah because we all know nintendo is great at managing the competitive scene
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>>42181872 >playing pokemon Anonymous
>>42181896 It wasn’t even that op
There’s no way g darm is stronger than the likes of megamence, blaziken, or pheromosa and they all got a test at least.
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>>42182010 >Wasnt even that OP, says the nigger who thinks double choice items are OK It definitely was more powerful than Megamence, at least more immediately powerful. And Gdarm is literally just a better Scarfed Pheromosa which is more than enough to kick it down
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>>42180802 >protect+intimidate coinflips: the game WOW SO MUCH FUN said no one ever
>>42180960 >self regulating rules yes, this is fanfic.
>Great, you don't have to play it. your "if you don't like something then don't play it" mentality is retarded and doesn't exempt the topic from criticism or facts just because you don't approve.
>VGC prize payouts are miniscule to other competitive games. minuscule prize is still a prize
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It takes a lot more for a defensive pokemon to be broken compared to an offensive mon
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>>42180802 this kid just got hard stalled by clef
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>>42180802 Infallibly based.
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If you love VGC so much why aren't you playing it? Oh right because its boring as fuck and Swoosh absolutely sucks
>>42180802 >bloooblooobloooo m-muh fanfic meta ablooooooo The ““official”” meta is even worse, VGCuck, but keep letting le ebil smoogohn live in your head rent free
pic related, it’s what your “official” meta looks like
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>You shouldn't have fun the way you have fun instead you have to keep sucking corporate dick whenever you possibly can I don't get why people like you exist. Nintendo is not your friend.
>>42182443 I dont have anything against smogon, but short of 2015 whats the issue? 2014 and 2014 are kinda diverse.
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>>42182835 Not him, but people started to get ass mad about genies in '13, '14 was predictable as fuck until Sejun fucked everyone over since Pachirisu pretty much replaced Amoongus for him.
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Bump. Smogshills trying to slide this good thread off the board kek.
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>it's official so you should play it Why?
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>>42181101 No one cares about VGCheaters.
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>>42180998 Go away, Yawnfag.
>>42182412 >yes, this is fanfic. That's not what "fanfic" means, you obsessed little weirdo.
>your "if you don't like something then don't play it" mentality is retarded and doesn't exempt the topic from criticism or facts just because you don't approve. Your post should be considered a health hazard for this. Hello, Pot, it's me, Kettle; I'm just calling to let you know that you're black.
>minuscule prize is still a prize Pic related.
Why do you allow Smogon to live in your head rent free? Why are you so obsessed with this? Get a hobby already.
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>>42182412 >your "if you don't like something then don't play it" mentality is retarded and doesn't exempt the topic from criticism or facts just because you don't approve Anon it's a simple concept. If you don't like something, do not partake in it. It is entirely optional to play by Smogon's rules on cart. That doesn't mean you don't get an opinion, it literally means it doesn't matter in the long run because you never have to experience it.
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>>42181012 Verlisifag doesn't like VGC either: Every year he bitches about all of the top players injecting/hexing their otherwise completely valid sets instead of playing RNGesus Eugenics Simulator 20XX when in reality literally nobody cares unless you're swapping sets mid tourney like the REAL cheaters with their hacked 3DS systems.
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>>42180802 based. nice work brother.
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>>42180802 What if I think both VGC and Smogon suck? GF cannot into balance and Smogon is too focused in specific play styles.
>>42180802 >...you have to use stall teams that take 100 turns to win, and there is NO SKILL in fanfic meta stallfest Smogon. I will never for the life of me understand this argument. Matches seriously don't last super long very often, which is why when they do a bunch of people pop in to watch, but even if they did how does playing * near perfectly* for over 100 turns to conserve your resources to outlast the opponent demonstrate a *lack* of player skill?
>>42185421 t. fanfic stallfag
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>>42180802 >FANFIC meta Isn't that most compettiive fighting games? It's only this last few years that the actual game companies really got involved in their respective competitive scenes.
>>42185421 A monkey could play stall. It's the simplest shit on the planet. Set up hazards, switch to physical wall, switch to special wall, watch as the opponent gets rekt by rocks and spikes, toxic to do even more chip damage, spam useless move like defense curl over and over as opponent slowly dies, it's pathetic. People who play stall are subhumans.
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>>42180802 smogon really does live in /vp/‘s head doesn’t it
pretty crazy
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can't wait for this exact same thread to get spammed every hour every day now!!!!
>>42186011 >can’t handle having his dogshit logic questioned so he just resorts to adhoms VGCucks everyone
>>42186032 >t. seething sub-1000 shitter who got walled by some guy with an unaware clefable Anonymous
I don't care if it's Smogon, VGC or a fucking Fortune Battle from PBR. All competitive Pokémon is cancer. The ability to battle other players should never have been implemented.
>>42180802 >Entire game in 6v6 >VGC in 3v3 If anything, GF is promoting their shitty fanfic meta, while Smogonchads are literally the real meta.
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>>42186219 >Entire game is 6v6 No it's mostly 6v1.
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>>42186207 You only think that because you suck.
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why play competitive when you can just suck at the game like I do? 10/10 experience either way
>>42186171 >>42185421 >>42186165 Not everyone is a NEET with way too much freetime on their hand and too little brain to understand anything beyond stall and wanting to push for 1+ hour matches while they shit in their diapers
Smogon really went to shit fast this gen
It's really refreshing to see VGC being actually good and fun this time around with many diverse sets that work while smogon already established cookie cutter teams that every brainlet can use
>>42186565 >smogoon stinky and dumb and poopoo and silly >vgc good and flawless and smrt and perfe— your meta is just as shit as smogon’s, don’t bother trying to kid yourself
>>42186655 >Meta created by years of adding overpowered Pokemon and retarded megas to the game >GF fixes it >Smogon doubles down and has nothing remotely resembling gen 8 rlly makes u think
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I wonder if the people who complain about Smogon also seethe about people who play Nuzlockes because "it's not how you're meant to play the game!".
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>>42186770 >fixes it >culled shit just gets replaced by shit that can just do the exact same roles nice fix, retard
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>>42180802 >facial expression while typing this and having Smogon living rent free Anonymous
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Public Service Announcement: House rules have existed for games since games began. OP is faggot with a galaxy sized gape baiting idiots and doesn't deserve the (You).
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>>42180802 Bumping this important message
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>>42180802 Reminder that Smogon was invented by 40 year old basement neckbeards demanding their still providing mothers a fucking essay apology for the missing spoonful of ice cream in their 3 lb. morning bucket.
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>>42180802 Good job Verlisify