>>42196879>>42196924According to the dex, design, names and common portrayals:
Squirtle, might symbolize a boy born in times of war, it's already born hardened and with the capability to swim fast for escape, Wartotle due to its' long lifespan, "war" in the name and the more offensive combat capabilities is when the youths raised in these times are eager to take on the enemy, Blastoise represents the hardened veterans and conquerors, subduing all opposition.
Totodile already has some aggression, but childlike, playful aggression with its' habit of biting anything it sees, older as Croconaw it becomes more intent and aggressive, not letting go of its' bites, Feraligatr is all out anger issues and primal aggression.
Mudkip starts out childish, cute and harmless looking, uncorcened with its' image, as a Marshtomp it stands tall, not letting others step on it, but doesn't bother showing strength, Swampert has fully given in to vain muscularity and strength.
Piplup cries over small things, signalling spoiledness, inability to deal with adversity, Prinplup is described as highly self-important, as all young despots, Empoleon looks regal, is described as attacking those who violate its' ego and rules other Empoleons with smaller horns, symbolizing, less ruthlessness and influence.
Dewott trains its' scalchop techniques obssessively defining its' identity, then as Samurott becomes a master and makes all go quiet with just a look at it.
Froakie has protective bubbles in its' back and watchful eyes, already aware of the hidden threats of the world, intent on becoming one, Frogadier and Greninja are also ninjas.
Popplio's evolutionary line due to representing sirens with mesmerizing singing.
Sobble's evolutionary line is clever and cunning but physically weak, when young such people lack tools and aren't yet fully developed, they are fragile and sad, but become sly and deadly via tricks under their sleeves and usage of weapons to even the playing field.