>>42213290You just don’t get it, do you? It’s not about whether I’m gay, or whether you wouldn’t hit it, or whether you want to call the kettle black. Flood your house for all I care. It’s about this blatantly off-topic, extremely low quality thread that isn’t even discussing Pokemon is allowed.
You have entire boards dedicated to nsfw, image dumping, and shitposting, but instead you choose to spam the discussion boards with your bullshit. Why? Because the mods enable you to do so. The fact that this thread is STILL up speaks volumes about the mods of this board and the management of this site.
I hate you, and I hate everything with which you have plagued this site. It is the only site that still permits truly free discussion, and there are hundreds of other sites to image dump and fawn over drawings on paper. Yet here you are, killing threads with your rubbish because you can. Anons can cry “seething” and “have sex” to this post all they want, but it doesn’t change the fact that you, OP, and the mods are colossal faggots.
Kill yourself, you fucking retard.