Quoted By:
>it's another notitletard
Quoted By:
>waiting for darck's next raid like
murphy (shiny pidgey)
Sivy lemme know when u wanna trade these. Ima brb real fast
Quoted By:
>waiting for rapidash like
>>42222359 Shield baby raid host pls
Also I just dropped my phone and shattered the screen feels good
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:20:00 No. 42222436 Report >>42222427 Do you need one? If I get one while resetting Ill host it for a few.
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:20:18 No. 42222440 Report back, i hav grillcheese hosting while i devour
tom is hiding stonjourner from us
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:21:07 No. 42222449 Report Quoted By:
>>42222443 nah, I just forgot to turn internet off when I was skipping frames LMAO
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42222436 Actually I need a stonjourner, I'm gonna add you if you get one.
Quoted By:
>>42222436 yes that would be nice
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Hello sorry for delays. Gmax Grimm all night Usual code
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Rhyperior Arick! Got it on my second try.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:23:08 No. 42222480 Report >>42222463 JUST got another, hosting with code for a bit.
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
someone asked for noctowl so i'm hosting it for a bit, square and female
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Anyone interested in eiscue and/or frosslass? Rolling soon for these before moving to HA frame.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:24:10 No. 42222491 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>42222482 that was me and I'm fighting it now
Quoted By:
>>42222480 hell ya i'd love this too bro
>>42222488 Is the frosslass HA? If so i am very interested in both :)
Quoted By:
>>42222488 hell yeah esciue
Quoted By:
Sorry for joining alot Arick. I'm trying so hard to get it in a beast ball :(
Quoted By:
anyone use earthquake excadrill? he's good in comp
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
>>42222499 Not yet! Regular one right now, going to host HA tomorrow or in a couple of days.
Quoted By:
>>42222482 YES! Ash's Noctowl so cool
>>42222510 That would be awesome! Are you taking friend requests right now?
Quoted By:
>>42222488 yes, i want the penguin
Other Mimi 7380-3804-8708
Feeling somewhat better now that I've showered. Will be hosting square female Rapidash and only that because I'm an idiot for a while since people requested it.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:28:19 No. 42222537 Report Get your stonemen while you can, I'm getting impatient over this Premier ball Snarl.
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
>>42222476 Adding you!
>>42222520 Yup! Put me name and I'll accept.
joe SW-4536-5219-3018
At Magfest doing the in person shiny gmax charizard raids and look who shows up
I'm in this pic Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>42222488 eiscue!!! yes pls
Quoted By:
found the ayy will plane it
IGN: Sword
>>42222529 Sent youa reques, would you mind adding me? switch name is Jfar
Quoted By:
>>42222422 I could fix it for you for cheap.
>>42222540 You’re the child in the middle right ?
ign: nikki
>>42222529 hope you feel better! i'll be trying for the rapidash. want an extra?
Quoted By:
I almost skipped over my frame. Somehow I'm a month behind where the calculator says I should be yet I'm only a few frames away; I must have repeated a month by mistake while date skipping.
>>42222540 You're pretty good at hosting raids for a chinese toddler
joe SW-4536-5219-3018
Quoted By:
>>42222540 joe are you the nigger
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Quoted By:
>>42222558 He's the sign itself. remember his earlier post?
>>42222540 looks fun, I miss going to conventions
>>42222538 Awesome thank you, I will send one after this raid under Ty.
Quoted By:
MOGUERA GETTO!!Got Rhy in a dusk ball. Thanks so much for the add Arick!
Rachel 2 and mimi have very cute matchy characters
Quoted By:
>>42222476 Duraludon hates me so I’m gonna try getting this one. IGN Zenitsu. Thanks!!
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
>>42222583 If I recall correctly I already added you? Not sure tho.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:33:45 No. 42222609 Report Quoted By:
Can you leave a wishing piece raid to get pokeballs and come back on the same frame? Asking for a friend... Also botched the last Stone raid so It might be a bit before he comes around again. Sorry if you didn't catch it but Ill make sure to host it again for yall.
>>42222598 I could be insane, let me double check.
Quoted By:
>>42222598 >>42222611 Yep I'm insane. I was like oh Yiyi I already had you added!
Other Mimi 7380-3804-8708
>>42222549 added
sorry for deleting earlier >>42222563 I'm good, I'll just catch it once things settle down. But thanks for offering!
>>42222592 hey I ship it
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Are my raids appearing? Nobody is joining them.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42222537 Thank you based 5 Rupee.
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
Caught the snarl. Thank you darck!
Quoted By:
>>42222581 They're sitting there staring at their switches, you are technically at a convention yourself right now if that picture is the scene
Quoted By:
>>42222558 >>42222569 >be chinese toddler >fighting gmax charizard >breaks out >breaks out again >1hr later still breaking out >parents say they're leaving in 10mins >sweatingface.jpg Rasier
Quoted By:
>>42222633 Haven't seen any Dark
Nonballtist Mimi
Quoted By:
>>42222630 I don't.
Mimi is my wife!
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:36:31 No. 42222649 Report Quoted By:
>>42222633 I've been waiting three years since the last one brother, think you quantum leaped that shit
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42222540 I love that you parked yourself in this random floor corner, would have gone just for fun had it not been so last minute, hope you have a good time
>>42222633 I see them I’m just waiting for froslass from yiyi
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42222630 No problem. I completely understand.
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Weird, can join others fine. Maybe I'll disconnect and reconnect from the internet after this raid.
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Quoted By:
>>42222653 Gotta start rolling them right now, I'll put a message here when I find them so feel free to join other raids meanwhile!
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:39:01 No. 42222683 Report Quoted By:
>>42222670 Appreciate that, I really want this dude at this point. Waaayyy too committed.
Haven't been here in a couple of days everyone is much nicer here in discord everyone is being a cunt just to let people in their raids I'll add you guys tommorow when I wake up and leave my switch id if thread is still up
Hosting these now but my Switch battery is going to die soon.
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
Does anyone know if the antique polteageist can appear in raids?
Quoted By:
>>42222687 What are these Kojo?
Hosting these now but my Switch battery is going to die soon.
Quoted By:
>>42222697 gross, keep them
Quoted By:
I'm so enamored with Shiny Rhyperior I wanted him for so long.
Quoted By:
>>42222697 please stop at corsola
i love that little thing
Quoted By:
>>42222422 Can you host ralts? I missed it
Quoted By:
>>42222697 sweet I hope to get curs/cors and 2x haunter
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:43:46 No. 42222737 Report Quoted By:
>>42222630 sent you a request ;D
Quoted By:
>>42222633 Figured out why I couldn't see you. Could you Aceept my Friend Request switch names Rasieralma Question mark block with black background. Thxs <3
Quoted By:
>>42222684 >asking for trolls >>42222592 thanks Rachel for 2 elygems
>>42222697 I hope you get Runerigus.
>>42222764 Runerigus seems absurdly rare because last time I was date skipping for a G-Gengar I only saw it literally once out of ~500 times
the real rachel
Quoted By:
thanks rachel for all the babies! you really know how to pump them out
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
Okay so since I got insanely lucky in how quick this showed up and what a low frame it is I'll host this for anyone who just wants a shiny trick room Rune to battle with If you're on the collector side and have squaretism about shinies I'm gonna get right back to hunting for that sweet sweet 0iv square shiny afterwards See yall soon
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42222697 Kojo I thought I added you as a friend a while back, could you post your code again so I can try and get the pot.
murphy (shiny pidgey)
Quoted By:
>>42222592 thanks for the elgyem!
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 01:49:59 No. 42222811 Report OMG DARCK I GOT IT IN A PREMIER BALL THANK FUCK what a RUSH.
Quoted By:
>>42222792 Wiki could you add me sent you a friend request. Names Rasieralma Thank you so much. <3
Quoted By:
>>42222779 Yeah I think it's like 1%, so it would be awesome if it actually shows up.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42222792 62 frames, what black magic is that.
Quoted By:
so was is polteageist authentic?
joe SW-4536-5219-3018
Quoted By:
>>42222650 It's been a blast I got tipped $10 and a leon print
Quoted By:
did i miss dura den
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Since I'm here, hosting square togedemaru for people who missed mimi's. Repeat Ball: 100% Dusk Ball: 100% Ultra Ball: 100% Standard Balls: 70%
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
Quoted By:
>>42222817 It's not that crazy, you pass up on a lot of great shiny frames when hunting the perfect one
Quoted By:
>>42222835 Thank you so much for hosting this round cutie!
Quoted By:
>>42222630 Just caught one, thanks for hosting Mimi! Hope you get better soon
Quoted By:
Trying to catch Rhyperior in a beast ball is not fun!
people missed goth baby right? Airplaning a few
Quoted By:
>>42222909 yes last one for me
Quoted By:
Hang in there Yami I see you raiding with me everywhere haha
Quoted By:
>>42222909 need this babies!
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:00:50 No. 42222936 Report Quoted By:
>>42222909 Just dropping in to say I added you forever ago ;D
Koala - FC 7809 7368 0678
Anyone hosting a gmax Corviknight at any point tonight? I'm just a lowly humble oldfag looking to raid some Dens with some fellow /vp/oreons ;-;
Gonna be hosting this for a while
Quoted By:
>>42222940 right now I don't think so but they pop up time2time
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:02:32 No. 42222959 Report Quoted By:
>>42222951 gonna find your FC soon, this looks tight.
Fate | SW-5236-3319-8408
Quoted By:
>>42222909 can you add me please? i need this babies
>>42222951 What is it's size?
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Quoted By:
stepping out for an hour or 2. more togedemaru after.
>>42222994 Should be average
Quoted By:
>>42222476 Added
Greyvine // IGN: Gavin FC: 1978-8995-6658
murphy (shiny pidgey)
Quoted By:
>>42222835 thank you luna. got it in premier ball. super cute
Koala - FC 7809 7368 0678
Quoted By:
>>42222476 Added, name's Koala
Quoted By:
>>42222951 Got it Smidii thxs so much! =D
Quoted By:
I got average gourg and ss from evolving the ss 1% pumpkaboo, but I read small/large are from 1/2* pumpkaboos
>>42222529 I'm sorry for coming into the raid consecutively, second time it has run away from me.
>>42223051 What's the size even matter anyways? I thought it was all about how you use it
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:13:45 No. 42223115 Report Quoted By:
>>42223103 If that was true my ex wouldn't have cheated so much
Quoted By:
>>42223103 The stats of the Small and Super Large are different
>>42223103 most women prefer average!
Quoted By:
thanks Rachel for the gothita, Smidii for the Gourgeist, and Luna for the togedemaru!
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:15:08 No. 42223134 Report Quoted By:
Rachel I am begging you, that goth child is so cute
murphy (shiny pidgey)
Quoted By:
Hey Sivy you want these dittos now?
Quoted By:
>>42223103 How long u run that smidii? Trying to set up a new den rn
Quoted By:
>>42223051 Bummer. Would have been great if it was small or super large
>>42223119 I feel like anything above average would just be too hard to fit in
the pokeball
Quoted By:
Thank you Kojo for those awesome ghost raids!
Anyone know how to do the airplane trick so you can maintain your current den, when you're hosting?
Quoted By:
Getting into the pony reminds me of the firsts days. All people rushing to get into Mimi's eevees and Shane's Charizard.
have the Grimmsnarls been up? Darky is on my friends list but i havent seen any of the stamps.
Quoted By:
>>42223074 Third. Third time. Jesus christ.
Quoted By:
>>42223170 Oh awesome, how do you do it?
Quoted By:
corsola is a bitch and doesn't wanna go into the premier ball
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
>>42223151 Just when froslass appeared. I bet I'll be able to grab it tomorrow lmao.
Anyway starting to host in 3 min! Not HA yet, that will come later.
>>42222411 welll, i fkced up and my shiny espurr and shiny munna are gone to the wind. feelsbad, I'll see you again one day dear munna :(
>>42223186 Oh how do you do it?
>>42222951 do you need me to catch you one?
Quoted By:
>>42223151 ESPURR IS MY BABY
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42223211 Would be nice if someone could grab me one in a premier ball at some point. These lobbies are filling up quick, so it might be a bit before I can trade
Quoted By:
>>42223144 that's why everyone wants to catch the bbc
>>42222411 very good sir, i am here.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:22:53 No. 42223241 Report >>42223228 I can grab one for you. Have you gotten one of rachel's goths yet?
Quoted By:
>>42222792 >Quiet 0 Speed I'm gonna cooom!
>>42223208 Literally just go into airplane mode when your trainer stands up
murphy (shiny pidgey)
>>42223206 >Sivy lemme know when u wanna trade these. Ima brb real fast dammm :(
>>42223237 okay i'll put up the code 4771. you can just trade me garbage pokes
>>42223241 I don't think I even have Rachel added lol. Haven't added too many people myself, just accepted a bunch. Guess I haven't been hosting anything she needs
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42222792 Wiki, could you add me? switch name is jfar
>>42223245 Oh, but the animation still continues and I thought I was supposed to get kicked out?
>>42223250 How'd you know they were both me
Quoted By:
>>42222835 Sent you a request
>>42223281 It kicks you after you throw your mon out
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>>42223228 I've got one now I can give. I wanted to get some more Dusk balls anyways. I'll join again in a bit.
murphy (shiny pidgey)
Quoted By:
>>42223305 i just reply to who every replied to me :)
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
Will only do 3 more lobbies of this guy for tonight!
I know Smidii is hosting Gourgeist but any interest in any mons from here before I go to another den?
>>42222792 Awesome luck! I hope Runigerus spawns quickly for you. I don't know how many people actually want a square shiny with 0 speed that bad so you could probably just stick with your 1000 frame star shiny and see few/no complaints.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:30:33 No. 42223337 Report Quoted By:
>>42223261 Got you a premier ball one btw
Quoted By:
>>42223307 Omg I'm so dumb! Thank you!
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223334 trevenant if HA
>>42223334 This is the one I'm hosting, and I just started for the night, so I'll probably get to everything here by the end of the night
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:31:35 No. 42223350 Report >>42223334 TREVENANT PLZ, I would be super happy.
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42223334 If there's a chance of Shiny Harvest Trevenant, I'd love that
Quoted By:
>>42223335 This. I couldn't give less of a fuck about what kind of shiny it is. I just want a Pallete swapped 0IV Rune.
>>42223334 >>42223334 Yes holy shit host all night and tomorrow please. I need to go to work but I’ll play on break. Those are a bunch of mons i need to complete my shiny dex
>>42223334 Jelli and haunter please
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223349 dhelmise is one of my fav shinies, would appreciate it if you hosted him for a bit
>>42223334 Is the Tree Harvest? Male?
>>42223334 I'd like all those except Haunter and Gourgeist
Started rerolling again on the way to an eventual Gmax Garbodor. First up is Toxel so I'll host it for a little while.
IGN Yami
Quoted By:
>>42223349 Sent friend request both names are Yami
>>42223375 Did you ever roll Toxapex vort?
>>42223334 trevenant/2x dusclops
which hoster are you?
>>42223349 maractus!
>>42223334 Is there a way to check gourgiest's size?
7135-7714-8314 (RouSu)
Quoted By:
>>42223349 Oh Dhelmise YES!
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42223349 Smidii!!! I need all of that. Inject it into my veins.
murphy (shiny pidgey)
Quoted By:
>>42223305 cheers mate! thanks for hosting
Other Mimi 7380-3804-8708
I'll probably host rapidash and catch it on midnight so I can start anewmight go back to kingler and shoot for a male one this time around
Quoted By:
>>42223250 Thank you v much!
>>42223375 I definitely want in on toxel. I hope this one becomes the low key toxitricity. I don't have one of those yet
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42223375 Do you mind if I join a few times. I need both forms of totricity.
Quoted By:
>>42223385 if you line up gourgeist in the pc box they slightly change size on the summary image
not sure how to check based on stats
Quoted By:
>>42223349 I need maractus and 1% pumpkaboo
>>42223348 >>42223349 >>42223350 >>42223352 >>42223356 >>42223357 >>42223369 >>42223370 >>42223384 >>42223385 >>42223404 I don't think they are HA unfortunately. Also not really certain about the size exactly but I can get someone to confirm. Anyways, I have pumpkaboo locked on right now that I can toss around for a bit before looking for tree or jelli.
>>42223380 I did yeah, I was hosting it yesterday and earlier today. I'll put it up if I roll it again.
7135-7714-8314 (RouSu)
Quoted By:
>>42222697 Will yo continue to host?
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:40:03 No. 42223449 Report Quoted By:
>>42223442 Nice. I think I already have you added, so Ill wait patiently for the Tree
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
Thanks, smidii!
>>42223444 Please do. I wasn't around last night, and worked today.
Can someone check my seed? Been dayskipping for a while but not at the computer right now, look out for a Victor (Whiscash) in the next two minutes and many thanks
>>42223366 Can you check if you blocked me in game?
I get a strange error
Quoted By:
>>42223349 Thanks for hosting Smidii
>>42223464 Yeah, no problem! I'll definitely keep it up for a bit to let anyone on now catch it.
how do i get Darck to add me to his friend's list? i would do literally anything for a gmax grimmsnarl
Quoted By:
>>42222422 >Shield baby raid host I would if I weren't retarded.
>>42223468 Er this seed: ea8c5080c39c1d0a
For the den with ground types like Whiscash, Gastrodon, Mudsdale etc in Bridge Field
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223476 if you were spamming dudu, odds are I did. What's your ign?
Zein does this Niggersby have HA?
Quoted By:
>>42223485 I would appreciate that, I won't be able to raid for another 30 mins or so, so hopefully I don't miss it. I also got a few more Apricot balls if you're interested.
Quoted By:
>>42223489 i dont add poeple from discord bud
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42223335 Because I'm both retarded and refuse to quit, my dedication to autistic endeavors and helping other anons out can't be stopped
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223498 what do you want checked?
the real rachel
did i miss out on corsola, togedemaru and other cool shit fuck
thanks for adding me smitty werbenjagermanjensen now give me plants
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223532 my rhyperior is still going for a bit.
>>42223536 Oh what was your switch name, I just accepted all
david 8049 2028 2904
>>42223195 can you add me, I¨d like to catch froslass
Quoted By:
>>42223528 Just go for a 0 Speed HA F Indeedee or 0 Speed Oranguru next, we very much appreciate the 0 Speed Runigerus that's coming but you don't need to go crazy reseeding for another version of the same mon afterwards.
IGN Yami
>>42223442 Thanks caught Pumpkaboo
Quoted By:
>>42223547 Sent fr. Ign Sean
Quoted By:
>>42223532 me too bitch me too
Tfw I thought I set up a shiny den, and sent a buncha ppl into a nonshiny raid
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>tfw paj nag joins another raid of mine. It's taking every cell in my body to not close this room rn.
Quoted By:
>>42223426 Aww, it is amped. Still happy to have it, thanks!
>>42223516 I don't spam anything i think, my ign is jumbo. Sorry for the incovenience.
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
>>42223560 Np. Taking suggestions on what other dens people might want also. o:
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>>42223576 Just sent a request. Hopped into the thread just recently and haven't seen what's running.
Quoted By:
>>42223547 aaaaah adding you brb
>>42223552 My switch name is rachel with a face u added me now u better host 5 star punpkaboo
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:51:26 No. 42223602 Report >>42223585 Other than your tree, I haven't seen a Gmax Lapras or Drednaw in a while. Gengar is also still on my wishlist.
Got Frolass Thxs Yiyi ^^ <3
>>42223585 throh/sawk/grapploct
I think den 10?
>>42223585 duraludon would be nice
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223580 you were on my blocklist
>tfw also found zein in my blocklist I'm sorry buddy
Quoted By:
>>42223421 Still hosting rapidash?
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42223615 Thanks for the Rhyperior man.
IGN: Sword
>>42223421 Thanks for doing all these hosts, I still can't get in quick enough.
Quoted By:
>>42223602 Yes I considered going for Drednaw soon.
>>42223604 I can do those. I can switch between both games if need be.
>>42223611 Adrian has been hosting that for a week now but if there's enough demand for it and he decides to stop I can definitely see about throwing one up.
What the hell do I show the seed checker? Any pokemon or the one I want, Does it have to be from that den? FAQ doesn't specify and neither does the site.
Quoted By:
>>42223531 Just how many days left for shiny, I think it should be under 300
Quoted By:
Got Pumkaboo Thxs Kii <3 ^^
Greyvine // IGN: Gavin FC: 1978-8995-6658
Greyvine // IGN: Gavin FC: 1978-8995-6658 Sat 04 Jan 2020 02:55:13 No. 42223651 Report Quoted By:
>>42222845 tried catching the Grimm in a premier ball but it escaped, thanks for adding me back and for the attempt.
Quoted By:
>>42223615 Thanks bro, appreciate it!
>>42222951 Thanks for hosting!
>>42223642 But it’s super size
david 8049 2028 2904
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42223657 >Super Size ohhhhhh fuck.
lost my dear shinny munna but that doesnt stop me from hosting more 6 iv ditto.
>>42221850 Anonymous
I believe kiis pumpkaboo is average size, because I don't have the shiny entry for small/large and it's smaller than the ss shiny I have
>>42223657 Rachel host more espurr or DIE
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>>42223642 I roll gmax sandaconda every time I host within the first 15 minutes, shouldn't be that hard.
>>42223647 You can ask the people on Blaines Discord, ask them,
and stay there.
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Gotta do some more froslass and then looking for eiscue, after that finishing for today and roll for HA frame.
>>42223660 Np!
Quoted By:
>>42223679 I added you switch name dreezus
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223667 I can post a screenshot of that on a hispanic facebook group, they could prob get SPN dittos
>>42223672 I can’t host and raid at the same time REEEE
>>42223657 Do you want a shiny supersized Gourgeist? Or do you still have OTism?
>>42223689 oh i already got my nihongo dittos, allg for that
>>42223694 I’ve said this a gorillion times I have severe incurable OTtism
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:00:48 No. 42223715 Report Quoted By:
>>42223679 Thanks for the froslass my human friend
>>42223709 same so Id really appreciate you accepting my request thanks ;D
>>42223709 Yeah I know, still thought I'd try to brib- I mean be nice.
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>>42223709 You really like using the word "gorilion" often.
Quoted By:
>>42222440 >Adrian just sent FR for duralu
Quoted By:
>>42223687 Thanks for the rabbit
>>42223667 i can catch you japanese dittos
>>42223692 u called? Handrew
Weird. I'm like a frame off from what raidfinder said but I's there. Shiny Gmax Centiskorch up. 3 star so yall just kill it for collecting sake
Quoted By:
>>42223668 Probably. This is a normal beam so its a baby 3* pumpkin. A wee little lad
>>42223716 Bribe with love balls and dream balls only
Quoted By:
>>42223585 den 7 - wailmer/wailord/octillery
den 10 - sawk/throh/grapploct
den 14 - mr mime/claydol
den 17 - hippowdon/sandaconda nongmax
Quoted By:
>>42223677 Don't even use discord, just trying to get some more enjoyment out of this shit game. Thanks I guess I'll just throw shit at the bot and see what happens.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:03:18 No. 42223742 Report Quoted By:
>>42223733 Nice, Ill try to grab one!
7135-7714-8314 (RouSu)
>>42223641 Hey you still hosting G-Max Charizard?
Droleo 6545-3655-9010
Quoted By:
Is there a raid for shiny ha toxapex? Or does anybody have extra?
I’ll put up more espurrs but warn me when 5star pumpkaboo or maractus appear...
IGN: Sword
>>42223731 I'll clarify: Someone already helped get me my non-english dittos from my raid. i don't need any help with that, I'm just hosting
Pumpkaboo slowed down so moving on. Drifblim is next.
Quoted By:
>>42223754 Probably about to switch soon, and Maractus is pretty common, so I'll let you know
7135-7714-8314 (RouSu)
>>42223758 Can I get an add?
Quoted By:
>>42223759 my bad thanks for the ditto though
who needed gmax corvi? I'll prolly roll it later. Also don't take a minute to choose a pokemon. it's 3 star lmao
Droleo 6545-3655-9010
Quoted By:
Damn I really want a toxapex
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42223770 send me a request.
When can I start seeing G-Pokémon in dens for 5*?
Quoted By:
all I want to do is horde shiny espurrs and live my harem fantasy
Droleo 6545-3655-9010
>>42223775 I want gmax korviknight! Add me?
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:07:43 No. 42223800 Report Quoted By:
>>42223775 Id love a chance at one, I approve
Who is bigjay444. I think I remember seeing people saying he's a nig
IGN: Sword
>>42223574 Is the 3 star shiny?
Quoted By:
>>42223803 I think he gmaxes his charizard
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42223758 Thank you so much Sword, I finally got him in a Lux ball.
>>42223794 It's not up yet btw. Centiskorch first for those that need it. it rolled first
the real rachel
Quoted By:
>>42223803 leeches and dmaxes frequently last hit
Quoted By:
Thanks for hosting the raids I got pokemon from Arick, Mimi, Zein, Luna, Smidii!
Quoted By:
>>42223735 Sure thing. Just give me about 20ish minutes or so, I don't have my Switch atm.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:09:51 No. 42223820 Report Quoted By:
>>42223813 Please keep this one up for a few, I never catch them fast ;(
Droleo 6545-3655-9010
Quoted By:
>>42223813 I'd like that too :D
>>42223804 Yeah, it is. Sorry I think you entered one of my practice dens where I missed it by a frame lul. If you see the 3 star centiskorch, it's shiny. mb on the earlier one.
7135-7714-8314 (RouSu)
Quoted By:
>>42223775 Can I get an add for that GMax Corvi?
>>42223775 Bro i need my bugbro wait
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:11:15 No. 42223833 Report i might randomly pause to do raids with friends, they're doing some ice dens and i want a shiny moth.
Quoted By:
Last few Gourgeists going up then switching
>>42222476 hi can you add me please? 2552-6421-5335 Lick
IGN: Sword
>>42223809 Congrats. Now that you've got him. This will probably be my last day hosting him. I'll host till about midnight then catch him and roll a new den.
>>42223826 Centiskorch not going anywhere for a bit dw bout it.
also rousu ill send a req soon
>mfw I'm missing out on all these awesome raids because my wife is playing Ring Fit Adventure
>>42223841 Fuckinf dumbass doesn’t have 2 switches
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42223838 seriously, thank you again for holding onto him that long.
>>42223848 I can't justify buying a second. I hadn't touched mine in ages until SwSh came out.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42223841 >has a wife >can't afford 2 switches. Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
>>42223822 Adding you in a minute if you doesn't mind, I need my shiny bro.
>>42223855 The wife or the switch
>>42223855 And now you can justify it. Actually get a switchlet it’s nice
Quoted By:
>>42223837 Haha his name is LICK
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
IGN: Sword
>>42223822 Just caught him, first try. Thank you
Quoted By:
rachel, i humbly request a munna please. I need a second chance to protec
>>42223860 bruh I sent u a request 4 days ago. u never added me. my request should still be there lol
Quoted By:
looking for a sweet boy to bounce on this dicc while I raid shinies
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>>42223890 Between them and the parent with the payday meowth you're having all the luck
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
Ito, please reveal your fc so I can block the ever loving fuck out of you.
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>storm drain this is a real bruh moment
>>42223872 aye np. Keep eye out for corv later if u need him
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Quoted By:
>>42223884 Totally my bad, I try to add as I see the nemes around here, surely skipped by mistake. Sorry!
>>42223910 Looking in archives and can't find your FC
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223907 Can you guys even beat the raid in 10 turns now? Jesus what a fucking moron
>>42223915 post ur fc, ill add. Really close to full friends list cuz of gengar. need to go over it soon
Quoted By:
one of the blainesfags y’all called out the other day is hosting but all his raids are locked now, thanks /vp/ he’s been hosting the same den all week tho so maybe he is retarded
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:22:50 No. 42223939 Report Quoted By:
>>42223929 Caught the skorch by the way, THANKS a bunch.
Patiently waiting for big berd
Quoted By:
>>42223890 gave the same reaction as wikis image
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42223922 I think we got it
Alinzko 2884-7930-0990
Spooky tree going up for a bit
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:24:24 No. 42223961 Report Quoted By:
>>42223951 Thank you my man
>>42223951 nooooo, spooky treeeeee
Quoted By:
>>42223858 I have the money, but why spend $300 dollars when she only ever uses it for like an hour a couple of times I week. I'd rather just get more PS4 games.
>>42223862 I probably should though so I can hack this Switch again.
>>42223861 Kek
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>no shakes on ultra ball suffering.jpg
Quoted By:
>>42223967 Thanks for the Gmax centipede dude. Finally got it on my third try.
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Quoted By:
Bless that centisbro raid.
If someone could catch me Trevenant in a premier ball that would be cool. Forgot to trade for Gourgeist before I rolled this, so hopefully someone who caught me one is around when I stop Trree
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223944 let me know when that raid is finished, won't continue till ito pops up in my feed so I can block 'em.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:28:02 No. 42224009 Report Quoted By:
>>42223996 I can try, but my premier luck is ballsack
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
Alright just hit the shiny frame, I'm in den 17 so I can stop at something if yall are interested but otherwise I'll just be resetting for Rune
Koala - FC 7809 7368 0678
>>42222845 Hey Darck, what's your code to join a raid? Tryna get me a gsnarl
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42223996 I've still got one, Smidii. I'll try Premier on this one too.
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42224004 Raid's over, but didn't catch if you're still hosting. Didn't see a pop up so I hopped into a quick Tree raid.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42224010 Can you hit a hippo?
Jojo SW-0962-4434-8898 !!6qhQ73dZkkt
Quoted By:
>>42222387 Who is Ornstein again?
>>42224041 9101112 (I have a hacked Switch, so I can have longer codes)
IGN: Sword
>>42224010 If you hit a non-gmax conda can you host him please.
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42224028 That son of a bitch didn't pop up in my feed, think he was a rando.
I'm continuing rhyperior for a while more.
>>42224053 13378008 my dad works at nintendo
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42224010 >reset >hit runerigus on the frame before the shiny frame ah it's gonna be one of those nights
david 8049 2028 2904
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>>42224069 2 (I have a hacked switch, so I can have shorter codes)
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>>42223996 >>42224015 Goteem. I'll be up till 1-2 EST.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42224071 Be strong Wiki.
>>42224069 In middleschool there was this guy whose mom worked at Nintendo, and when the DS first came out, he came to school with like 3 of em just to flex
IGN Yami
Quoted By:
>>42224098 Thanks caught the tree
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42224098 Did anyone flex him and take them?
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:36:14 No. 42224113 Report Quoted By:
>>42223833 frosmoth get. i might pause again to nab a froslass but that'll be it
>>42224098 flexed so much he pushed the truck next to the ss anne
What's a good frame? Below 10k?
Quoted By:
>>42224126 did you see a mew under it?
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>>42224062 Finally. Thank you, Arick
Quoted By:
>>42224129 Honestly I dread anything over 3k, but if you don't mind date switching for 3 hours, 10k isn't a big deal
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>>42224129 Any frame you're willing to go for. For me, 10k needs to be sqaure, HA & good ivs lmao
Quoted By:
>>42224129 Yes. Normal star raids I won't do if they are over like 1.3k cause I don't have time for that. But I have lucked out with mine and always get them under 1k usually when i do em. For square idk if I would do more than like 2.5k personally
Quoted By:
I'm just trying to get star shiny ha female sylveon before I host but damn, I am not skipping 100m frames. Guess I'll love my standards
the real rachel
Quoted By:
square shiny autists prob cant throw a punch if their life depended on it
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42224061 You're in luck amigo
Non Gmax Sandaconda going up for a little bit, it's 5 stars so once it's caught could someone please confirm 0IVs in speed for me
Quoted By:
Thanks for the host, Smidii and Andrew. Also added you if that's all right, Kii.
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
Just had a rhyperior lobby go empty, guessing everyone caught it. Rerolling rn
Centiskorch lobbies slowing down. Yall all got it? Ima close it in 15 min then try to roll for Corviknight (and also catch ghosttree if its still being hosted then)
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
Not sure who Manu is, but thanks for the Cursola.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:43:14 No. 42224209 Report Quoted By:
>>42224192 I got one pretty quick, just waiting on G-bird and really anything Gmax.
I just love Gmax.
Quoted By:
Wow autocorrect gutted my post
Everyone okay with Behemoth Blade when it's a fairy Pokemon raid?
Quoted By:
>>42224129 Also the higher the frame, the more likely you are to fuck up while date switching
Quoted By:
Read the FAQ but I don't know if I have this right. Do I just friend people hosting and then hop in the lobbies fast? Not done any thing friends wise on the switch. Been working on helping people in the trade thread but I would like some shiny pokemon.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Back to hosting square pikachu clone #7. Repeat Ball: 100% Dusk Ball: 100% Ultra Ball: 100% Standard Balls: 70%
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42224181 Thanks. I sent you a friend request a while back. would you mind adding me. Name is jfar
Quoted By:
>>42224220 Iron Head exists, go to a cinema if you want to watch movies.
Got my tree thanks again Smidii!
yo vort, grabbed you a tox baby since it'll be loki to match the amped one from yesterday. Let me know
Quoted By:
>>42224221 yep. Running event den shield
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42224226 Forgot to include picture. Hosting this clone.
>>42224232 What was your IGN?
Quoted By:
Thank you for hosting the big bug Andrew
Quoted By:
>>42224226 Sent request. Name should be Joe.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42224248 Thanks for the tree man.
>>42223929 would you mind adding me Handrew
Quoted By:
>>42224248 Kiwi, I was the one in that lobby on my own lol.
Quoted By:
>>42224248 I'll try to get you a tree this round, I've been having luck with the premier balls in other raids
Quoted By:
Would you guys want a shiny gigamax fapple raid with ripen as the abillity?
>>42224272 yeh ill add. u need bug or waiting for birb?
Kota 1697-7542-2308
Quoted By:
>>42224244 Added. Need this round asshole for dex
>>42224240 Pretty sure Sassy is Low Key
>>42224226 Don't have the code. Can someone give me a hint? I know there's YouTube shills lurking and I can go find it with a hint
>>42224240 But this one is amped also.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42224279 I'm waiting for the birb, but I'll hop on a bug if you're still doing it.
>>42224286 That's what I said. Loki.
>>42224290 If you don't know how to find it you need to lurk more.
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:52:06 No. 42224318 Report >>42224279 Honestly Handrew if you have a promoted den shiny, I'm sure a lot of newer hosts like me would love seeing stuff like snorlax and butterfree too before you lose the seed.
If you have the time and patience obv, Im just glad you host any of them ;D
>>42224303 Yep still running it. lobbies are heading out w like 3/4 so gonna run it till it turns into 2/4 or if i feel like most got a shot
>>42224181 It's 0 Speed, thanks for the snek.
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42224279 Hey, mind tossing me in too? Would love to participate.
Quoted By:
Does anyone know if vort ever rolled that Toxapex tonight?
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:53:08 No. 42224328 Report Quoted By:
>>42224129 late but i always go for sub-500 but i have no patience whatso ever.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42224319 alright cool, thanks man
the real rachel
>>42224244 What den # are you doing rn luna?
>>42224318 Mmmm. if i got time, sure why not. I wanna go get an alcremie den set up, but hosting this cuz I know event ends on 9th
>>42224308 If no one's posting it then I have no way of finding it no matter how much I lurk. I've just been completing dex since Christmas and don't know the secret hand shake here because I didn't want to hold people back with weak raid pokes.
Quoted By:
>>42224129 You should only be going over 10k to get something like a Square HA or 0iv spe mon.
Quoted By:
>>42222697 >Kojo what is your friend code? I can't find it
>>42224291 Sassy shouldn't be... I don't think
>>42224325 sent. come get ur bug. lobbies are slow rn
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:55:40 No. 42224364 Report >>42224339 Thats the spirit!
I can try to get you dupes if you ever need them, just let me know.
Quoted By:
>>42224345 No seriously lurk more and you'll figure it out.
Alinzko 2884-7930-0990
Quoted By:
>>42224181 Can confirm 0 speed IV
Flashfire - SW-1556-0845-0503
Quoted By:
>>42224345 Raid & repeat you get exp cany no matter what, just pump up a mon or two for raids
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Quoted By:
>>42224334 Den #12 but its hardsaved on togedemaru now.
>>42224290 My hint is that finding it should actually be much faster than waiting for someone's hint. (You'll see why)
>>42224345 Look in the archive, use google, cmon mate try it
>>42224345 No one is posting it now, but it has been posted before. There is your hint
Quoted By:
>>42224364 if u get into lobbies sure, u can go for extra. but just hosting it out rn cuz waiting for dudu to die down
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
Going to host Cincinno. Square, female and cute. No HA sadly
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Quoted By:
Sorry guys, hosting eiscue tomorrow. Almost 5AM for me and already slept in the chair. Good night everyone!
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42224320 Thank goodness, alright then the hunt begins, I'll see yall eventually
but I'll stop at Hippo for the one anon who wanted one
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
Stunfisk is up for a few rooms!
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 03:58:36 No. 42224401 Report shoutout to the dumbass who just used cross poison on duraludon
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42224395 oo, is this the early star shiny seed you got or the square shiny you were going for?
Flashfire - SW-1556-0845-0503
Quoted By:
>>42224383 Lol how many 4 digit codes have gone up in the past week
>>42224397 wait seriously? raidfinder said I rolled an ability 1 lol.
>>42224385 I NEED DIS
Quoted By:
Got the Snek AND a Bottle Cap hot dang Thanks Wiki
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42224383 Just caught you the tree in a premier. Let me know when you want to trade / code.
IGN Yami
Quoted By:
>>42222845 Caught it in a lux ball finally!! Thank you for all the hosts
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42224395 Did you move on from conda?
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42224405 I'm sorry it's the early one, I thought it would be a waste to pass it up, I'll get square later
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42224401 Who's a bigger dumbass: Him or the storm drain guy?
>>42224412 Okay, about to stop hosting this and go for Shiinotic, Maractus, or 5 star pumpkin
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42224428 I would say storm drain guy, cause he fucks up everyone.
It's as bad as the lightning rod guy.
Quoted By:
>>42224407 Yeah it’s flame body and 3 IV
>>42224355 You're a dumbass.
>>42224437 Oof, how many runs left? I'm about to drop skorch to catch ur tree
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Quoted By:
>>42224424 Stars are cool too. Time to upgrade my rune
Sorry for the slow hosts, I've been at working helping a customer who is literally a meme around here because of how much time they take and how much we can't help them over the phone. Fun times. Still hosting Toxel just ... very slowly.
>>42224444 Exactly as many as it takes for you to catch it
Quoted By:
>>42224449 >at work* Multitasking is hard.
Quoted By:
Sorry about taking forever on that Trevenant raid guys.
Quoted By:
>>42224449 No worries dude, thanks for hosting.
>>42224444 >>42224458 I'll probably be hosting this den again tomorrow as well
Quoted By:
>>42224449 Ah yes I remember those days, "My computer won't work!" , "Can you tell me the problem?" , "It won't turn ON!!!", "Did you plug it in?" ...... Click
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:05:39 No. 42224470 Report Quoted By:
>>42224428 im gonna go cross poison guy. it's easy to forget abilities, and dracovish can use other moves.
dumb cross poison guy couldn't read the fucking "no effect" text.
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>>42224428 Storm Drain. Don't even kid.
Wasting your turn once? Fine.
Wasting the turns of the host and only other non-AI player so while not even using a 4x move? Fucking abysmal.
>>42224467 Oh if u gonna rotate back into it, then just go ahead and spin it for another. Unsure if current raiders caught their skorch yet.
>>42224454 How dare I what? Be correct? The only thing I'm guilty of is giving attention to an attention whore.
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
Quoted By:
Mission complete, bless you Darck!
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223667 Taking a break for today.
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:08:28 No. 42224502 Report who the fuck is joe? played shield 9 days ago with no play time listed.
Quoted By:
Queen Jelli going up
Alinzko 2884-7930-0990
Quoted By:
>>42224476 Caught skorch thanks bro!
>hackers are hosting raids with unreleased mons now ebin
>>42224502 >who the fuck is joe? joe mama
>>42224502 That's me. I should have seventy hours playtime listed. No idea why it doesn't have it.
Quoted By:
please unfuck me Darck
Ok whoever has a Trevenant or Gourgeist in a premier ball for me, trade on 5877
>>42224528 You might want to check your privacy settings
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
>>42223733 Caught it first try, thanks! (forgot to tell you lol)
Quoted By:
>just got back from buying groceries >made the last trevenant based
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:11:48 No. 42224545 Report Quoted By:
>>42224521 yeah i deserve that
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42224533 Searching. We'll see if we match.
Quoted By:
>>42224541 aw bet. good to hear.
Quoted By:
>>42224489 Caught a ditto in your raid and it was 3IV. Am i tripping?
>>42224558 You can do whatever you want with the Tree, I got one from Kitty. Thanks guys! Gonna roll this den some more
I'm catching other host pokemon a bit but is there anyone would still needs a Steenee or Gloom from my den?
Quoted By:
>>42224539 They should be default. Does it matter? I checked s guide but can't find privacy settings where it says they should be.
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42224575 I needed that gloom, but I'm not sure you ever accepted my friend request.
Weezing is up next, I'll keep him up until it slows I guess.
nooo i missed the hippowdown
Sonia IGN Jury !jMsopuxJCE
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>>42224574 Caught me off guard when you dipped. Awesome, got a friend who'd love it! Thanks again.
>>42224575 I'll take one. Lemme get your FC unless you're adding first.
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42224593 I'm stopped on hippowdon since an anon requested it
Quoted By:
>>42224424 can you drop any sanda/pilos you get while you roll for other mons
IGN Yami
Quoted By:
>>42224600 I'll jump in too, need the hippo shiny
Quoted By:
Finally got the flame orb ...
>>42224600 Do you mind if we double dip your raids? Not necessarily the same Pokemon, but in general?
>>42224575 I would and maybe a couple glooms for shiny dex?
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42224600 ask for hippo, can't get in room, such is life.
Quoted By:
Wtf I just randomly disconnected in the jellicent raid. Sorry if that fkd it up
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:22:32 No. 42224636 Report Well handrew, I'll probably go to bed here soon, Ill check and see If you're hosting beeg birb tomorrow after work. Thanks for the fire bugs!
Quoted By:
>Sheer cold Does it actually work on raids?
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>>42224600 ight, thanks wiki
>>42224636 oof yeah Ill try to host tomorrow. cya
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42224618 It's fine just be mindful of other anons and try not to crowd rooms after you've caught 2 or 3
>>42224600 >>42224624 Wiki will you consider adding your code for the first few rounds of Runigerus when you get it so that regulars
with balltism can have a good go at it?
>>42224618 It’s not “double dipping” if it’s not the same Pokémon
Quoted By:
Last Jelli raid for a bit. Gotta take care of some stuff and then I'll be back.
Quoted By:
>>42224662 Okay will do.
>>42224677 I know but since he's doing different mons, if I enter every raid that's taking a spot from someone else every time.
Sonia IGN Jury !EvLyOlMgpQ
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:28:04 No. 42224710 Report >>42224647 i lied, one more bug haha
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42224663 That's a good idea, I'll put my usual code on for the first hour and then do subsequent sessions with code on if needed
murphy (shiny pidgey)
Quoted By:
nothing wants to stay in my premier balls today >:(
Quoted By:
Thank you for the rodent Luna. Very much appreciate you hosting.
>>42224705 i'd be a lot better if I could have a go at Grimmsnarl!
>>42224710 yeah. i wouldve rolled for bird already but a bunch of ppl being added recently so havent had chance at bug yet
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:30:02 No. 42224730 Report Quoted By:
>>42224718 its really not that hard to find, I found it earlier today
>>42224437 Have you hosted a dhelmise yet?
Quoted By:
So i accidentally closed game. can roll back into skorch after knight. Just trying to catch some other hosts pokemon rn
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:31:47 No. 42224750 Report >>42224725 Im glad you're generous enough to give everyone some chances at it. Just means Ill probably get one!
>>42224715 If you have more than 100hrs of fortnite im deleting you, but other than that k
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42224711 Thanks Wiki I got the Hippo
Quoted By:
>>42224745 No, currently rolling
>>42224623 my fc is 1283 4844 4028 is your switch name Rasier?
If any one is able to would it be possible to get a shiny farfetchd den up please? I've been trying to hatch the damn thing all day and had no success.
the real rachel
So what's the next operation shiny living dex den you're thinking of doing
>>42224750 >having Fortnite downloaded at all That's almost as bad as playing YIIK, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>42224642 Got 'em thxs so much! <3
Quoted By:
Of all things, this fuckin hippo won't stay in the ball
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Quoted By:
Hopefully everyone who wanted one got one. I'll be catching in the next one with how dead it is.
Quoted By:
>>42224763 Rasieralma Yes Sorry
>>42224582 Fuck, tried a repeat ball but I must not have caught weezing yet. Hopefully this time!
>>42224771 I didn’t have one in mind yet...
Sonia IGN Jury !jMsopuxJCE
Quoted By:
>>42224662 thanks for the hippo wiki!
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:35:55 No. 42224794 Report Quoted By:
>>42224774 If it helps, I played it for like 8 seconds and got so bored I archived it.
Quoted By:
I wish kojo would come back online :(
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>>42224771 >discord salesmen LMFAOOOO
Quoted By:
why tf is this gloom not shiny wait
>>42224789 Good luck! I have a friend that just got online too so I'll be keeping him up for a bit before rerolling.
>>42224791 rachel why do never add me :((
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
Alright guys. Final few rounds of Star Shiny HA F-Indeedee before I move on to something else, so add me and double dip if you want. I'm also thinking Den 43 next for Shiny Dusknoir because he's a bro. Thoughts?
>>42224642 Hi I just sent you a friend request Michael with the star fox icon thanks
Quoted By:
>>42224815 Dusknoir would be awesome
>>42224813 You didn’t harass me enough like blue rupee did
Sonia IGN Jury !jMsopuxJCE
>>42224815 added just now c:
Fate | SW-5236-3319-8408
Quoted By:
>>42224642 Hi, I always get an error when I enter your raid, do you have me locked?
>>42224822 god damn not the Michael with the star fox icon
7 tries and no luck on prem ball gsnarl, gonna go back to rolling my own den, but first bed, thanks again for hosting Darck
IGN Yami
Quoted By:
>>42224711 Thanks caught the hippo
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Handrew, I've got a spare tree and skorch thanks to Ardick/you so if you need either from hosting too much, lmk
>>42224385 Zein, if you're still hosting, could you add me back?
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658)
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom) 0114-9894-7217 (Code: 4658) Sat 04 Jan 2020 04:40:32 No. 42224850 Report Quoted By:
>>42224833 you gotta do what you gotta do homie
>>42224843 took me like 30. just keep swinging
Quoted By:
>>42224833 guess i better start then
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
>>42224839 Okay yeah michael with the starfox icon needs to be added to this
>>42224771 Joe
Quoted By:
>>42224777 Joe mama. Keep up anon.
Vort and wiki I sent friend requests.
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
Quoted By:
>>42224808 Shit, not that time either. I hope I can catch him. I was going to ask to get one for a friend, but I can't even catch myself one. One more try! Thanks for hosting
Sonia IGN Jury !jMsopuxJCE
>>42224870 can we try diff balls ?
Can any one explain why Nintendo expect you to pay for an online service that constantly drops your connection? It just dropped me twice one hit from dead..
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
>>42224886 Go for it. This Indeedee has got to go.
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
>>42224859 I fucked up my Silvally memory. I thought I had it on Fighting still. Do you know what gender this is for potential Love Ball?
Quoted By:
>>42224886 yeah try my ball
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
>>42224893 Pretty sure some consumer law out there would be able to take action against them if they had the resources but obviously too much effort
Fucking internet went out. Will keep hosting Dhelmise when it comes back on
Vxzenta SW-5968-2276-4489
Quoted By:
>>42224908 Got it first try, thanks!
Event dens should operate the same as normal dens, yeah? Thinking of going after a square shiny gmax lax, though I'm sure plenty of people here have it already.
Quoted By:
>>42224930 Thank you, balltism made me greedy and I fucked up. Going to just use repeat
Joe SW-7527-4719-1295
Quoted By:
>>42224911 By Bong standards it would fall under product unfit for purpose but I paid a fiver for three months. The postage on letters to complain would be more expensive than the online was.
Quoted By:
>>42224939 I'll attempt some catches on that.
Well my den is dead. I'm not sure what happened, but none of my pokemon are shiny on any of my frames. I don't remember ever letting the clock hit midnight or saving, but whatever. I do let family members play my switch but I'm not sure why they would ever mess with that or know how to. I'm really sorry for the people who wanted Glooms.
Quoted By:
>>42224951 No probs shit happens
>>42224951 Hace you tried turning the date back?
Quoted By:
>>42224930 Gonna go to the store while I wait, hopefully it’ll be back up when I get back
Quoted By:
What's Dhelmise's catch rate? I feel like I should be using something better than Pokeballs, but that red though.
Valou SW-6564-3120-5242
Quoted By:
I'm hosting some random shiny mon from den 81 shield version for a short time
Quoted By:
>>42224870 Got mine, thanks!
>>42224968 I tried it with your suggestion but it didn't do anything
Quoted By:
>>42224894 Got her revenge match over I am the champion over the war lol
IGN: Sword
mimi, are you gonna host the rapidash anymore or catch it?
>>42224808 Got an extra weezer in a dusk ball if you end up needing it
>>42224993 Weird. Dont give up tho, Maybe one of the experienced hosters (Mimi, Rachel...) could help you out.
Other Mimi 7380-3804-8708
>>42224999 gonna host it a few more times and pass out
I'll host more tomorrow if that's what people want
Quoted By:
>>42224951 certain games e.g fortnite make you change the date to whatever it really is in order to play so maybe a relative did something like that
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340
Adrian (IGN Misa) 1998-5815-2577 || code: 1340 Sat 04 Jan 2020 05:01:33 No. 42225041 Report Quoted By:
day 7 of duraludon hosting is done. since tomorrow will be my last day, im just gonna add anyone who sends, probably. merry catches!
Quoted By:
>>42225012 If it’s not there when you bring up your hard save it’s gone forever. You can check back up save but it’s highly unlikely to matter
Quoted By:
>>42224951 It might not be depending on how you last saved it and if it's any different from how you're seeing it now.
>Setting your clock to 1/1/2020 1AM at Day 1(if Day 4=Shiny) >Keep avatar near den and note what the pokemon should be, the next day, the day after >You can go elsewhere, just remember to save at 1AM so it's unlikely your play session will exceed midnight reset unless you're mindful of adjusting it back to 1AM before you save again. I dunno what your set up is, but if you try airplane mode several dens, maybe you could get lucky and run into it a few days ahead.
Hope that helps.
Quoted By:
>>42224951 what about the backup save?
>seeing wikis new raid pop up while watching anime IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42225017 Thank you. I was finally able to get it. Feel better.
Quoted By:
>>42225017 >can't get into Mimi's horse End me. Feel better though, sweet dreams!
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Grimm raids are slowing way down, has everyone caught theirs?
Quoted By:
>>42225068 havent, but trying to roll for corviknight XD
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
Cincinno raids are pretty dead, does anyone want anything from this den? if not i'll just catch Cincinno.
>>42225010 Ooh thank you! I just checked and I don't have one already so I'll let you know when I reroll next. <3
Sonia IGN Jury
Quoted By:
>>42225068 not yet, you still hosting?
IGN Yami
>>42225083 I'd like a shot at Noctowl, was hosting both times you put it up today
Quoted By:
>>42225083 nope got them all
>>42225083 Heliilisk and Bewearsound good.
IGN Yami
Quoted By:
>>42225068 Caught mine thank you again
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42225083 Got mine, thanks Zein
Quoted By:
>>42225083 Arceus next pls
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
>>42225083 Actually if you could run back runback unfezant I didn't catch that
Sonia IGN Jury
>>42225084 OK. May be tomorrow, getting tired, but I'll be monitoring and if I'm awake I'll let you know when you reroll. Tomorrow I'm going to finally try to host, I think I've caught up and figured this all out. Assuming I can get the bot to work
Fate | SW-5236-3319-8408
I am hosting all pokemons of den 83, no code
>>42225083 Diggerby please!
>>42225130 Weezing is slowing down like a lot so I can trade now if you want. And that's awesome, let me know if I can help with anything! I pretty much understand most of the details by now.
If you need to I can join and catch the Pokemon in your raid to check the seed myself for you. Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
>>42225090 >>42225127 >>42225148 Ok, i'll host those real quick.
>>42225107 >bewear >5% spawn rate i'll just put stufful up so you can evolve it
Quoted By:
>>42225147 sweet I just need snorunt/icecream
already have you added, thanks fate
>>42225155 Mind if I catch another then?
I talked to my little cousin and he said he wanted to surprise me with a masterball cause he saw a video online about it. Thanks, you little fucker.
Quoted By:
Is the ability always fixed when dayskipping or just things like shininess?
Quoted By:
>>42225147 Could you add me please? I just sent you a friend request. =) Thxs <3
>>42225162 That works what about Helio?
>>42225172 I just reset but I'll put up the next on I find. Sorry!
>>42225130 If you're still up we can use the last 4 of this post to trade but no worries if you went to bed.
Anyone need butterfree? chasing corviknight but I can host if people need it rn
>>42225155 Alright ready when you are, just let me know the code! And thank you for the offer, I'll let you know if I fuck up heavily lol
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
>>42225192 I can host helio too
IGN: Sword
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
Indeedee raids are slowing down. About to close up shop in twenty minutes,
>>42225209 Okay give me one minute to get out of this raid and I'll get on 5200.
>>42225200 No worries, I should have watched the thread more closely. Thanks as always!
Quoted By:
>>42225200 Got ya, searching now at 5200
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110
>>42224894 thanks caught in lux & prem. would u like a dupe?
Quoted By:
>>42225068 I’m still going for it, but I understand if you want to move on. Thanks!
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
Quoted By:
>>42225229 Sure! Pass one along in a ball of choice. Code is 3643.
Joe SW-7527-4719-1295
Quoted By:
Thank you Chara. Indeedee was more nopedeedee, took three repeat balls to get it.
the real rachel
>>42224865 add me rachel its michael with the star fox icon
>>42225176 is he farming them through lottery or did he learn about the 100% catch rate
>>42225226 Was that you with the noibat?
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
Done hosting for the night, hope everyone caught what they wanted!
Running it for a bit longer than I thought actually. lobbies fill up pretty fast Someone tell me stats like ability? frames said ability 1 but centiskorch rolled HA
IGN Yami
>>42225212 I'm off to bed, I can get the owl later if you want to close your den. Thanks for all the raids
>>42225225 still hosting?
request sent
>>42225268 Ah fuck sorry the trainer said something other than Ariel so I thought it was a snipe. I'll search again now same code
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
>>42225227 Weezing is fairly common from this so it's possible I get him in a few minutes. I'll let you know if I do.
>>42225276 Oh, no problem! I didn't even think of that, I usually just check the IGN of the person trading. I've been trading with other friends for fossils lately so I have a bunch of random shit like that.
>>42224815 Hi I just sent you a friend request Michael with the star fox icon thanks
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
>>42225269 Noctowl just spawned if you can afford to give it a shot
>>42225285 Oh fuck I got snipped for real this time Jesus Christ
Michael with the star fox icon
>>42225299 Oh damn! That sucks. I can always get another so that's not a bit deal but oof.
Quoted By:
Guess my router is fucked
>>42225285 I'm still praying to RNGesus you can roll Toxapex before I pass out.
Quoted By:
>>42225266 Got it first try thxs! <3
>>42225266 wait are you hosting gmax bfree?
added swithname: assassin
Joe SW-7527-4719-1295
>>42225291 Could you add me please? He's one of my favourite pokes.
>>42225260 Through lottery.
>>42225266 It's compound eyes, neutral nature, 31/18/31/31/31/22.
>>42225312 Yeah I got complacent. Sorry!
Someone that can read, help vort out.
Also, fuck Grittens
>>42225315 I got you anon! Rerolling right now. I got Mareanie so I'll host it for little bit if people want.
>>42225333 No worries! It sure would be nice if we could select a person to trade with instead of matching a code but at least we get Dudubot with it I guess.
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
>>42225330 aight cool thanks. guess HA skorch was maybe cuz of how event works idk
>>42225320 lmk when u catch. corviknight asked for by a bunch. just hosting bfree cuz a couple asked too
Arick SW-5983-5758-6187
Quoted By:
>can't open my tronky send help
>>42225351 Yeah, but if game freak could implement a competent trading system they'd probably be competent enough to not leave all the exploits that we're benefitting from.
Good night, thanks for hosting as always
7135-7714-8314 (RouSu)
>>42225335 Can I get in on those toxapex raids?
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110
>>42225360 addded! i would like one
>>42225364 ok will do but if the people who asked already caught it, no need to wait or we might be here all day, I use repeats but still heavily rng
Quoted By:
>Do a VS match >Start dayskipping for a year >Check seed again to make sure >It's now 10K+ out What the fuck am I doing wrong
>>42225371 accepted. lobbies arent filling up D:
>>42225373 no worries. at least bfree seems to be a bit better to catch even as gmax
Quoted By:
>>42225373 >>42225364 ok well speaking about rng I just caught it first ball -assassin
thanks so much
>>42225360 If you roll snorlax could you host? Need 1 for my team
Joe SW-7527-4719-1295
Is there a reason dracovish is popular? What's the best raiders? I've been using eternatus but I'm considering using Lara croft.
>>42225368 You're right about that. Have a good night!
>>42225370 I need to make some room on my friends list for that. Now that I'm off work I have a chance to do that so I'll get you and that other anon who wanted in earlier.
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
>>42225384 do net ballls work for her??
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
internet being trash right now, sorry
>>42225394 sure but I don't know if itll be HA.
Quoted By:
>>42225403 net balls should work. I've had equal success on net and repeat for bfree.
Quoted By:
>>42225399 you a funny guy joe
Quoted By:
>>42225406 OK, I'll bring a gardevoir to check
>>42225400 Much Thanks vort!
Quoted By:
>>42225399 i've seen dracovish using fishious rend on 5 stars en taking out almost half of the bar, pretty sick
Quoted By:
>>42225400 I wish I had a Cherish Ball for the Mareanie, but I guess Pokeball will have to do.
>>42225403 lmk when u catch, ur the last person to ask I think w name listed. and lobbies slowing down
IGN: Sword
>>42225384 Thanks. I think the promoted gmax have a much higher catch rate. I've gotten them all first try.
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
Quoted By:
>>42225399 it probably has something to do with the nearly 600 bp powered free move it can click to delete things
>>42225399 Chandelure
-These guys are worth investing for raids
>>42225434 I said that, then immediately failed a sandaconda. so i dont call it guaranteed anymore haha
Quoted By:
>>42225434 come to think of it I got drednaw/snorlax/bfee first time, but corvi/sanda took over 20 attempts so maybe those two guys were gotten from the nonevent den
Quoted By:
>>42225425 No problem! I've got Mareanie up now but I'll keep Toxapex up again for a while if I roll it.
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
>>422254 wow. caught with a netball first try :O
thank you
>>42225433 Anonymous
>>42225405 Thanks for the owl
>>42225400 I hope I don't get deleted
Joe SW-7527-4719-1295
>>42225440 Could you explain why please? I assume people get annoyed at the dynamax cannon movie and would ideally like a replacement.
>>42225460 good to hear. I'll run like 3 more then roll for da birb
>>42225444 So I thought your centiscorch was the normal variant. While you reroll for corviknight would you be able to throw down any gmax ones that popup?
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
>>42225481 we allowed to double dip?
Quoted By:
>>42225477 Yes that is the answer. Those guys hit really hard but don't have the animation.
>>42225492 Sure but itll close soon
>>42225485 U mean u passed on the skorch or u want the regular skorch to catch?
Chara SW-2191-4564-1239
Alrighty. Indeedee is officially done. Hope you all enjoy them!
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
Quoted By:
>>42225505 thankyou for hosting ^.^
Quoted By:
>>42225474 This time I only deleted people that haven't been online for at least a week so I'm fairly certain you weren't deleted.
Quoted By:
>>42225505 thanks for hosting
>>42225499 I passed on the scorch because I thought it was the normal scorch. I would like to catch the gmax version. Ofcourse after corviknight but I wouldn't mind trying to catch one in the lobbies that may roll before him
Joe SW-7527-4719-1295
>>42225405 Thank you for the host. Loved that useless fucker since the day I played the 10% finished Pokemon gold translation back in the day.
what is dudu's riddle. I'm fucking stumped.
>>42225525 sure ill keep an eye out
yo someone help me check this birb. no code
Okay I am headed to taco bell again to hopefully get what I ordered this time. Will continue hosts when I return.
Quoted By:
>>42225557 cya vort. bring us back something
lellow birb confirmed. no code. good luck
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
>>42225550 is this another gmaxx?
>>42225548 we don't do the riddles here because we have prio codes already but whenever he's on he might help you a bit trying to solve, he might be on now just post
"dudu can you help with..."
>>42225561 yep. the moment someone asked for non birb, corv showed up you guys go
>>42225557 Bring me back a beefy crunchy bu- oh wait...
Zein SW-8380-0233-2637
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
>>42225572 alright. did you wanna check the stats ?
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Okay, think I'll end Grimmsnarl soon. Be sure to join in if you want him.
Quoted By:
dudu can you help with crippling student debt
Quoted By:
>>42225572 Got it Thxs! <3 =D
>>42225584 anon you're making me cry ...
>>42225589 stats would be nice to hear so everyone could know. since most raiders are from this thread.
i know its pressure tho, non HA
Quoted By:
>>42225596 sent an FR a while ago can i get an add back> switch name is caessr
>>42225606 Much thanks!! Got the catch!!
dudu can you help restoring virginity to my waifu
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
Quoted By:
>>42225607 its 4iv. ability pressure. bashful nature
Quoted By:
>>42225620 there are some things even dudu cant do anon
>>42225596 will you be hosting tommorow? still haven't caught the fucker
Rou 7135-7714-8314
>>42225596 Can I get an add for the next time you're hosting?
Quoted By:
>>42225616 Nice, congrats!
Quoted By:
>>42225569 I feel like I've been here long enough to get one but I'm not a name fag so I don't count
Quoted By:
>>42225147 idk if you're still hosting, but I'm sending you an FR, IGN is Nick
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
>>42225625 >>42225634 Was going to catch him tonight as lobbies are getting no more than one person more than not.
Fucking Comcast. Hosting Dhelmise until it inevitably goes out again
Quoted By:
>>42225660 oh nooooo haha you found dhelmise while im on the bird lol bad timing on my part
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
Quoted By:
>>42225659 damn. missed it
Closed the last one too early :( sorry was distracted. whats catch rate so far tho from what u guys have seen from corv
Quoted By:
>>42225699 2 2 shakes twice from an ultra ball
Quoted By:
why can't i catch this damn anchor
Quoted By:
>>42225699 Got it in repeat first try. Thanks for hosting.
IGN: Sword
Quoted By:
>>42225699 Caught in repeat first try.
Quoted By:
>>42225659 ty for the grimm darck
Quoted By:
>>42225712 US internet is shit.
Quoted By:
>>42225659 Darn, missed Grimm then
Droleo 6545-3655-9010
Quoted By:
What raids are happening? Vort, are there Toxapex abound?
Will | SW-4927-9189-4192
Quoted By:
>>42225587 Thanks Zein I got my Unfezant
Droleo 6545-3655-9010
Is that shiny gmax knight??
Sonia SW -7312-4928-7110 !8EjdHYiVeA
Quoted By:
>>42225699 repeat balls have the best chance
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>>42225762 yeah. were u the one askin if someone was hosting it? cant recall. been hosting entire day. everythings a blur rn.
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Thanks for Unfezant bird! And thanks Fate for the Glalie.
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>>42225699 caught it in ultra ball third try, thanks much andrew
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Fate, are you planning on hosting the ice cube again? I think I missed it.