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No.42260669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't get it if we both like Pokémon then why does being trans get you all bothered? We literally have a common interest. Trans folks deserve just as must rights as gays and lesbians do. I'm sick and tired of being picked on by ignorant pieces of shit that don't understand what it means to be trans. Yes gender dysphoria is a mental illness so your treated with the hormones (the medicine) your body needs. You wouldn't make fun of someone with depression who takes antidepressants would you? It's very much the same concept. Stop being hypocrites and choosing who you're cool with in the LGBT community when all fall under the same umbrella. A gay man is no better than a trans girl we're all equal. We need to cut out the bullshit and be cool with one another. We get enough shit from people outside our community who like to clown us because we enjoy a "kids" game.