God I wish OP
>>42268608Why do so many people want the hitmons in when they are just as generic as your typical fighting game character to begin with? What's the point of Pokken even having Pokemon then?
>>42268995It was never not discord, that was where it was centered around to begin with. That being said, in contrast to a lot of other FG scenes where shit's spread across like 15 different discords and fourms; everything with pokken is centralized around
discord.gg/pokken ( and a few spinoff servers for regions/characters and a few prominent community people/players have their own servers; and
Pokkenarena.com, but it's really only used to post guides and news updates, not for disscusion), which makes it a lot easier to follow shit then other fighting games.
Said discord is active, with online weekly tournaments, plus matchmaking online is still active. If there's still in person locals depends on your area; there's still major/regionals but not as many as there used to be.
>>42270079What exactly would you change in terms of the combo system? Pokken's sort of inherently designed around neutral play and the whole shift system forces returns to neutral. People complain about the scaling but most of the combos which get used in high level play deal like 1/3 to 1/2 of your lifebar already, so even if you made combos longer, you'd have to make them deal less damage so it ends up being the same anyways.