>>42285006You are funny.
>Fucking lie. The only area that got changed was route 1 with the added flowers. then they spammed that route in every trailer giving off the impression that gamefreak put effort into it. Talking about the pokemon you see roaming the overworld and the pokemon you can interact with. Alola in SM was just dead in comparison.
>2 fucking hallways being added isn't worth a fucking bullet point you misleading shill. Talking about some of the hidden caves, certain areas getting a bit expanded on and that tunnel where you get Kecleon. I said a bit, not a lot.
>Yay, even more forced tutorials to fucking destroy the pacing even worse. I don't know why gamefreak thinks people play pokemon for the shitty shovelware tier minigames. It gives you more to do as a past time.
>"by visiting their hallways"And seeing how the beasts live in their world for the most part along with the Guzzlord world that is nothing but good lore.
>It was still shit. So why did they have to delete SM's shit one for a less shit one? That's the kind of thing people complain about when they want a definitive version. There were also trials that got deleted in exchange for new trials. It was bad enough when the games were split up into 3 version, but now they want you to buy the game 4 times for everything.You're obviously the same idiot I argued with a while back so it isn't worth arguing about why RR was golden and why the Looker mission was dull.
So I'll go to the trials that were "deleted." Sophocles's trial in SM was shit and Mallows takes way too long along with having one of the most cringe worthy moments in the game.
Giving more of a puzzle to them was an improvement and Mina's trial helped give the captains more time to shine.