>>42317475400 are in the game, Anon. You'd be getting the extra 200 in the update so you'd still be short about 290 pokemon or so. The national dex is objectively a good feature. The ability to have every pokemon centralized in a game allows more variety in the meta as well as a chance for each pokemon to be balanced differently. To be able to consistently uphold a menagerie as diverse and large as Pokemon's is a mark of quality. Even if gen 6 and 7 were fucking terrible, at least it felt like everything was present. Game Freak has displayed that they have the resources and skills to put more pokemon into the game making the cut completely baffling. They went against their own word and lied to us about not being able to put all the pokemon in anymore because of balance or visuals or whatever excuse they had for the week all in the name of money. They released a game that very clearly wasn't finished, and are now charging an extra 50% for shit they could have added into the base game but decuded not to. It's crystal fucking clear that they want to milk their audience as much as they can by charging as much as they possibly can for this unfinished turd of a game.