Quoted By:
>Another topic touched on in the Game Informer article is remakes. Just like in the past, it sounds like Game Freak won’t just pump out new Pokemon games, as they remain interested in revisiting past titles.
>Masuda said: “I don’t think we’re focused exclusively on making all new stuff. I think it’s important – the nostalgia factor is one thing – to give these memories, this content, another chance to shine for new players. And as a player myself I enjoy that kind of thing, as well.”
>"I think it’s important – to give these memories, this content, another chance to shine for new players"
I will admit I'm unsure when they're dropping, but I also know (on top of that) remakes earn Game Freak money for less than the cost of a brand new Generation and as long as that holds true (LGPE earned $678.6M for example) remakes will continue to happen.