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>Making rounds in Casual to see if anyone is meming with slowpoke sets yet
>Come across an extremely defensive team
>I wouldn't use the word "stall", but yawn-hippo and corsola are pretty obnoxious
>Bring Rillaboom, Clefable and my trusty Indeedee-F, who I'm beginning to gradually get more attached to and like more than even my Vish
>Lead with the funky monkey to his hungry hungry hippo
>Drum Beating for 1/2 his health while he sets up rocks
>He barely survives the second time and just uses Slack Off
>Continues to use Slack Off as I keep beating the Drum
>Eventually he switches out to G-Corsola, which eats it
>Immediately swap in Indeedee as he tries and fails to connect a Will'o'Miss
>Set up a Calm Mind as he sends back out the Hippo
>Use Psyshock to nearly OHKO it while it uses Yawn
>Next turn
>Make Indeedee bieg
>Max Starfall to finish it off, while also cancelling out Yawn
>Guy sends out Hydreigon
>Any sane man would have swapped out Indeedee, but I am no sane man given the fact I'm using one in the first place
>He maxes Hydreigon and goes for Max Darkness
>It manages to do only a little more than half to my Indeedee
>Retaliate with another Max Starfall
>Hydreigon gets fucking obliterated
>Guy sends out Galarian Corsola in a last-ditch effort to win
>He tanks a Max Mindstorm (only surviving due to terrain not being up) and uses Strength Sap
>Can't even regain 1/3 of his health Indeedee's attack is so low
>Max ends
>He disconnects
>Pull out pokemon camp and give Indeedee a little high-five before I make the food

The lack of non-fetish art of this thing is a crime, I'm tempted to draw Indeedee-F doing something badass myself.