[6 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By: >>42338404 >>42338475 >>42338480
People are really defending a very rushed 60 dollar game that has less locations and music than the prior gen, has a barebones story and post game content with the wild area shoehorned in at the last second as well as its paid DLC for 30 dollars, promising content that arguably should've been in the main game that's also not only version exclusive but also includes pokemon that were said to not come back for completely arbitrary reasons. I mean seriously, 90 dollars for this when, for example, Breath of the Wild was a 60 dollar base game with much more in it and had 20 dollar DLC that added onto an already complete package. Sword and Shield DLC is just making you purchase the content that seemingly is being withheld because they hadn't the time to finish it and this is a great way of scamming people addicted to pokemon