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Non-cancerous Pokémon sites

No.42346029 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
One of the anons who posted recently got me thinking about why I'm not enjoying Pokémon the way I'd expected to as of the recent gens. And you know what it is? The years went on, my life got busier, websites changed, and I simply lost track of what are good resources for Pokémon and what are not, partly due to not actively looking for new ones. Site after site, I decided they have gone either cancerous, like the majority of my country's scene's websites or (nigh-)obsolete, such as Joe's. What are the good places these days? I do use Serebii's dex and Bulbapedo, and the former's forums seem surprisingly active. The things I'm looking for specifically are:
>an advanced/competitive player oriented place with guides including battle facilities and a preferably active forum
>someplace with a decent, active trading community that values balltism but without the stupid stick-up-the-ass rigidness of Serebii
>a well-written and informative website with neatly-illustrated guides for the games not written for complete beginners/casuals
Obviously, the less cancerous they are, the better. Would be nice to have a good art community around too, not interested in fic/shipping/anime, loved Adventures but didn't really read past HGSS. Interested in a Pokémon music community as well.