>>42359877Why would there be light coming from either hole, the chasms are described to be several stories underground there wouldn't be light emanating with that strong of a glow from below.
Also what the fuck did they do to Squirtle's face, what is it even doing, it's just fucking T-Posing over this chasm, at least Mudkip and Totodile are still looking into the chasm. This also applies to Meowth in relation to it spartner,s look at where Charmander, Cyndaquil & Torchic are looking and you'll realize it's not the same.
A nitpick now, why are there Murkrow in teh above ground shot when it's daytime now, was it that hard to replace them with Hoppip or Taillow?
Overall there is a lot of mystery and dread lost between the new image and the old one, you have a much more antagonizing looking set of background characters in Team Meanies and ACT in the original which also fits with the main plot since both teams are antagonistic towards the player at points in the game.