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66KiB, 798x447, pokemon-articuno-zapdos-moltres-espada-escudo-dlc.jpg
Quoted By: >>42361687 >>42362040
>Masuda and Ohmori spend months saying no pokemon are returning
>Double down on it as recently as November, days before release
>Announce DLC
>They can show off in-game footage of the new areas because those are nothing but reused SwSh assets
>Can't show in-game footage of the returning pokemon only show models on computer screens
>Show off models for the two new legends but not the Galar birds or new regis
Did they start development on the DLC in November? I can understand not having pokemon models for the returning pokemon because they were "never planned" to be in, but not having models for the new Galar forms or the G-max Kanto starters really makes it seem like that's all being done out of fear from the backlash. Like they wrapped up the game and then suddenly started throwing together ideas for the DLC instead of having it planned from the start.
>Double down on it as recently as November, days before release
>Announce DLC
>They can show off in-game footage of the new areas because those are nothing but reused SwSh assets
>Can't show in-game footage of the returning pokemon only show models on computer screens
>Show off models for the two new legends but not the Galar birds or new regis
Did they start development on the DLC in November? I can understand not having pokemon models for the returning pokemon because they were "never planned" to be in, but not having models for the new Galar forms or the G-max Kanto starters really makes it seem like that's all being done out of fear from the backlash. Like they wrapped up the game and then suddenly started throwing together ideas for the DLC instead of having it planned from the start.