>>42388749>That game has every single flaw SwSh hasNope. Good models. Every monster has at least one custom special movie. Great gameplay. I guess it is heavy on the story, but when the monster breeding/evolution and combat is so good it's completely worth it. Plus, the CS dialogue doesn't sound like it was written by two five-year-olds. The characters make sense when they talk, it's not just inane jibberish. If Pokemon had a great in-game, SWSH would be good. Unfortunately, GF can't make the AI go beyond *spam Growl* but if it could and made ideal combat choices and was actually challenging, not just letting you win the entire time, then I'll go on record and say I would forgive many SWISH's flaws for that. That's just the thing, for all the flaws it has, it has nothing fucking good to make up for it.
>looks like shit>half the characters>easy as ever>no content>excruciating UILike, what does this fucking game offer? Digimon
>looks good>adds new characters each installment instead of removing them>challenging>hundreds of hours of gameplay>sleek UITwo monster collecting franchises heavy on story. Gee, which one is better and which one gives me fucking cancer?