> HPP: 75 -> 100> ATK: 55 -> 60> DEF: 70 -> 95> SAT: 55 -> 105> SDE: 95 -> 110> SPD: 110 -> 130> BST: 460 -> 600Abilities
> Ab1: Chlorophyll -> Infiltrator> Ab2: Leaf Guard -> Serene Grace> HAb: Infiltrator -> New: Coated ShellCoated Shell: When the Pokemon is hit by an Ice-Type move, it does not deal damage but instead raises the user's Defence Stat.
Lv1 - Splash, Absorb, Leech Seed
Lv3 - Tackle
Lv4 - Tail Whip
Lv6 - Synthesis
Lv8 - Stun Spore, Powder
Lv12 - Gust
Lv14 - Fairy Wind
Lv15 - Air Cutter
Lv17 - Mega Drain
Lv20 - Sleep Powder, Poison Powder
Lv22 - Worry Seed
Lv24 - Tailwind
Lv27 - Cotton Spore
-- Evolve into Skiploom Lv28 --
Evo (Skiploom) - Strength Sap
Lv31 - Acrobatics
Lv35 - Cotton Guard
Lv37 - Pollen Puff
Lv40 - Rage Powder
Lv44 - U-Turn
Lv46 - Solar Beam
Lv48 - Giga Drain
-- Evolve into Jumpluff Lv50 in Sunny Weather --
Evo (Jumpluff) - Spore
Lv52 - Leech Life
Lv54 - Bounce
Lv58 - Flower Shield
Lv63 - Floral Healing
TM00, TM05, TM06, TM08, TM09, TM10, TM11, TM17, TM18, TM19, TM21, TM23, TM25, TM28, TM29, TM31, TM33, TM34, TM39, TM40, TM41, TM46, TM50, TM52, TM56, TM56, TM59, TM60, TM62, TM63, TM72, TM73, TM74, TM76, TM78, TM79, TM80, TM84, TM87, TM88, TM89, TM91, TM94, TM95
TR00, TR01, TR12, TR13, TR17, TR18, TR19, TR20, TR26, TR29, TR30, TR33, TR35, TR37, TR38, TR40, TR42, TR49, TR50, TR57, TR59, TR64, TR65, TR69, TR71, TR77, TR80, TR83, TR85, TR89, TR92, TR96