>>42430059The ironic thing is that I'm actually a huge fan of the Fire Emblem series. I didn't like Three Houses much due to the absolutely brain-dead difficulty even on Hard mode (still waiting on that free DLC: Lunatic + "infernal"). Sacred Stones, Path or Radiance, Awakening, Fates:Conquest, etc, I played em for hundreds upon hundreds of hours and somehow managed to finish them on their respective hardest difficulty settings. However, even with all of this being said, I think the roster choices for FE representation in the Smash series have been some of the worst decisions ever made in a AAA Nintendo franchise. Marth, Roy, and Ike - fine. That should have been it for the swordfighters. Maybe if the wanted to show some fresh faces, they could have cycled out Marth for Lucina, Ike for Chrom, etc, but never exceed 3 fucking FE swordfighting protagonists under any circumstance. FE has such a wonderfully large diversity of interesting units wielding every weapon under the sun, riding on top or pegasi, dragons, griffins, casting dark magic, elemental magic, holy magic, you name it. I just don't understand the extreme lack of creativity and disconnect with even the FE fanbase on Sakurai's part. I was half expecting Sothis to step down from her throne after she berated Byleth stealing his roster slot in the process and giving us fans a huge "oh shit" moment. Anything would have been better than yet another boring ass protagonist...