>>42438320>Red's design is fine, but his clothes are real bright and saturated for no reason at all. Minor nitpick but it is still a negative compared to the old design.>Leaf is a great design, no questions asked. Giving you the option to play as a wamen was not wasted on a crap design.>Ethan always looked kinda faggy (literally and figuratively) but HGSS makes it worse with those bizarre baggy shorts. No reason for it at all.>Lyra is a good design on her own but she's a big step down from Kris, probably the best designed MC in the series. She seems to be made for your childhood friend character, she's clearly not prepared for adventure like Kris. The best thing that I could say about her is that she isn't Ethan, so that's why I still play as her.>Brendan didn't have much going for him outside of his hat, which was pretty cool, especially to those that figured out it was a hat from the beginning (not hard to do). Not only does ORAS ruin it by making it really droopy and weak, they also ruin a lot more, replacing his practical coat with a stupid jumpsuit that doesn't even have gloves on it, and his pants with swim trunks instead. This guy isn't dressed to walk into a McDonald's, much less Victory Road.>May's design is one of the most iconic in the series, and for good reason. Her do-rag, biker gloves and minimalist but still modest wear gave the impression of a fearless young woman ready to take on any challenge that stood in her way, like all the male protagonists that portrayed a confident young man taking his first steps into the world completely on his own, or even Kris, who painted an image of a curious girl that's jumping to explore the world around them. They turned it into waifubait. Not even good waifubait either; the original is still better.Yeah, it's shit. For all the gameplay changes that made the series so polished, you can't say that the art department aged as well.