Tried to only setup Pokemon I really like and could see myself taking proper care of (3 already feels like it might be pushing it), plus NFEs because who starts out their adventure with fully evolved Pokemon?
Besides, earning their evolutions together while growing as master/Pokemon would be the main draw of traveling with my bros anyway, for me
Plus a bike, because there's no way I'm walking across the planet with all the gear I'd need for traveling!
As for R8s
>>42451574Can't get a great sense for the kinds of Pokemon you like (mixing Sylveon and Deerling with Braivary and Hydreigon?) but you like Fennekin and are a /k/ommando with a deer in your lineup so that's based as is, 4/6
>>42451697>>42451713>>42451911Based bros with NFEs and not a full team, I couldn't imagine trying to take care of and training a half dozen magical monsters that are all reliant on me for their care
6/6, the lot of you (even the natufag)
>>42452128How could I not like an anon who's both a breloomchad and fan of everyone's favorite supercomputer? 5/6
>>42452251Beedrill is based, even if it doesn't get a lot of love! Never been much for the snake though. Is the doctor just for theming or is there more going on there? 4/6
>>42452543I can admire someone who keeps their team consistent, even if the picks aren't my favorite (too many absolfags in /ff/), 5/6 anon, hope they give you back Mega Gardie someday
>>42452888Checking those digits, and Arbok always wins some points in my book for being a based cobramon. Less-than-full team is also nice to see, so 5/6