Only trading for Power Items (10 BP) since I have everything else I want already. I need 2 Bands, 4 Lens and 4 Belts then the offer ends.
>HA Pokemon -Deino - Beast
Farfetch'd - Premier
Duraludon - Heavy
Gothita - Heal
Kerrablast - Timer
Passimian - Friend
Corphish - Ultra/Fast
Falinks - Repeat/Fast
Hatenna - Love/Dream
Applin - Friend
Rookiedee - Luxury
Dhelmise - Dream
Cufant - Heavy
Cramorant - Dive
Pincurchin - Level
Indeedee - Dream
Galarian Zigzagoon - Luxury
Galarian Corsola - Premier
Munchlax - Heavy
Duskull - Moon
Pyukumuku - Love
Cherubi - Love
Eevee - Lure/Love/Dream/Beast
Tyrogue - Level
Clobbopus - Quick/Fast
Phantump - Moon
Rolycoly - Heavy
Litwick - Moon
Silicobra - Heavy
Goomy - Dream
Swirlix - Love
Chewtle - Lure
Onix - Heavy
Solosis - Friend
G Meowth - Heavy
Honedge - Dream
Yamask - Moon
Wimpod - Lure
Snorunt - Lure
Drampa - Beast
Arrokuda - Beast
Pawniard - Level
Rufflet - Luxury
>Non HA -Eevee - Moon
Cutiefly - Love
Sinistea - Moon/Love
Cleffa - Love
Axew - Moon
Shellder - Beast
Ferroseed - Moon
Dreepy - Level/Beast
Durant - Heavy
Croagunk - Lure
Rhyhorn - Heavy
Wooloo - Moon
G Slowpoke - Dream
Dewpider - Beast
Turtonator - Heavy
Stonejourner - Heavy
Cottonee - Moon
Wishiwashi - Beast
Morpeko - Love/Level
Yamper - Fast
Binacle - Level
>>42462746You've been doing this for a while, how many of those things in all do you need for completing the Curry dex shit?
Also does the Ingredient Seller guy only sell them rarely or something? Because they ain't showing up for me.
Lemmi know how to get em and I'll trade you them.