>>42511678Yeah it's definitely broken. In OU, there's no Shadow Tag, and Pursuit isn't in the game, with Arena Trap sitting on a fragile typing weak to the bulky Water immunity mons that stop Dracovish. So Dracovish isn't as dominating. But the fact that you have to run that Water immunity is why it's broken.
In VGC, Pokemon are EV'd to survive OHKOs meanwhile SS OU is all about the 2HKOs. So Dracovish's heavy hits are easier to manage in VGC, especially with Protect, double-teaming a mon, and Gastrodon's Storm Drain/Jellicent's Water Absorb.
There's also the fact that Dragapult outspeeds Scarf Dracovish, so it's kept in check in both formats that way in terms of incentive to be put on a team. Trick Room can also hurt Fishious Rend. In Battle Spot Singles, Dracovish is probably at its scariest, since you can run a Shadow Tag partner and catch the Water immunities. When the DLC comes out, if Pursuit comes with it, that'll deal with Dragapult as a threat.