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No.42541996 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>leader of the villain gang of the gen, but still helps you because the gang is just a bunch of dumb yet good hearted dudes who care about his sis
>first and only Dark type Gym Leader to ever exist
>says fuck Dynamax, fuck stadiums and fuck your shilled shit, he likes old fashioned battles
>strongest Gym Leader only second to Raihan, who is confirmed Champion tier, and he's only weaker than Raihan because he doesn't Dynamax his mons (and is still stronger than every other leader, Dynamax included), would easily become a Champion in another region
>cares about his hometown, his goons, his sister, his sister's dreams (replacing Leon as Champion) AND duties (replacing him as Gym Leader), he has realistic and healthy relationships with everyone
>total bro, would probably support your attempts at dicking his sis
>literal rockstar
Admit it, this guy is the biggest chad Pokemon has introduced in a long time