>>42589337Approximately 3/4 of the national Dex is confirmed to be compatible by the end of the year alone, this "b-but theyre gonna be stuck" arguement is worthless.
The free transfer box is essentially Transporter except out of Bank instead of into it, allowing you to transfer pokemon at no extra cost than what you've previously paid for the games/Bank. This is quite literally the first time a new gen has come out and we've had the option to send from the previous gen to the new one at no extra cost. You're not forced to buy Home to do it, no second console, nothing.
The optional costs of home are that; optional. You're not getting any less than we had before, its merely the option for premium services, like much more storage space beyond what was in Bank, and more GTS options, and mass transfer if you want to full move everything up to Home in one swift motion and not have to pay for Bank anymore.
This way, all three options match the needs of the players. Free use for the players who just wanted to do what theyve always done, and port stuff up (and free for the first time, mind you) - A small fee for those who want to use the full service for a small period of time, such as larger transfers, or those who desire more immediate Dex completion. And then the long term option, which yes is more expensive than Bank was, but is purely an option here for those who want the premium services for the long term, forseeing extensive use in the gamse (like BP farming, and anticipation for the DLC Pokemon)
The only way you can argue against this is if you;
>ignore all the premium services>ignore the extra storage space>ignore the benefits of the GTS not being locked within a game>ignore the added flexibility>ignore the options tailored to specific needs of the players, including a free optionand then
>focus squarely on the most expensive option while only comparing that to Bankcan you try and paint this as a bad thing.