>>42589605Honestly I doubt it'll get CC, though I could be wrong. If it does, I feel like its' best set will be something like
Tapu Koko @ Choice Band
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
-Play Rough (If it gets it)/ Brave Bird
-Close Combat
But again, I doubt it'll get CC. If any Tapu is getting CC, it's Bulu, who will love getting it. I do think all the Tapus will get Play Rough however
>>42589979It's hard to compare Bulu and Rillaboom because I feel they'll do different things.
Bulu is going to function better as a breaker and setup sweeper due to its higher attack and bulk coupled with Horn Leech and Synthesis
Meanwhile I think Rillaboom will work better as a pivot with Knock off+higher speed+ U-turn