>>42610145>You're right, they aren't because outside of a tree model, the game looks greatit really doesn't, the textures as a whole look horrid. as much as you like to strawman the free pic it's not the only one people spammed, there's the cave, the ruins area, the desert all looking like shit
and the few areas that look good like ballonlea have literally nothing in them
>There was like 1 route that had a part of it that was poorly designedthey're all hallways, maybe a diverging path here and there butnit's the exception not the rule
just look at the "victory road' and you get a feel for the whole game
>most of the animations were goodit reuses 3DS model animations which are less expressive than what a Wii spinoff did so no they aren't good
>There is postgame thoughwow basically what literally other game has bar raids which are inferior than what other games have anyway
>Correct, you don't play Pokemon for a challengepokemon was already easy that's why making it even easier and casualized is retarded. the only thing removing toggled exp share does is penalizing people who want to do challenge runs