Cake Autism Edition
Previous Thread:
>>42604133 How to find the den you are looking for: joe's shitty den list: Finding and hosting shiny raids guide: FAQ: Useful links: >Read the OP before posting >Sharing is caring (Thank your host if you catch something, Thank them anyway even if you don't) >Ask before double dipping >If you can't find a Friend Code or Room Code, it's a sign you should find your raids on another site
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
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rip last thread
>>42610273 which ones do you need?
Still hosting some tea, that goes well with the cake <3
Don't join my raids if you are not interested in non-shinys milcerys
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>get into shiny milcery raid >it's not event milcery
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months of grinding sweets were for nothing
Cake collecting is suffering
>>42610295 thanks for the q-tea
So have we agreed upon the best ball for shiny cream?
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>>42610400 Luxury because black
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We need more people hosting Milcery.
I'm tired of seeing G-max Coalossal and Alcremie. When is the event ending?
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>>42610519 few more days/weeks, serebii has the exact dates
>>42610400 Heavy with Blueberry Sweet
>>42610575 >not evolving it with Clover and naming it "Tomorrow" Anonymous
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My favorite thing about Alcremie is that it's actually worth using after having the right blend orall blends for that matter. It's not like Unown where it's purely for the gimmick.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
Is someone hosting these alcreamie? Next week I'll have some free time and I could host these for the science.
I'm just doing these Milcerys for the "Sweet" items that I never seem to get from the cafe NPCs
>Alcremie doesn't learn Trick Room It's shit
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>>42610575 >tfw no heavy ball Leeleï
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>>42610299 Thanks for hosting !
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>>42610723 I've been grinding them every day since launch, and I've only got about 40 total. Didn't get two of them until the start of the month. I've doubled my numbers in an hour.
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>>42610255 Should clover cream be in the nest ball or dusk ball? I was going to dusk ball the ribbon one since the effect is purple.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42610829 But then I can't get the sweets
Is 4 boxes of Milcery enough? I don't know anymore.
>>42610841 I have extra everything but ribbon, i think. 9623
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42610883 Nono you don't understand. I want like 30 of each sweets.
>>42610892 Just do regular ones that show up in the Y-comm from randoms.
We need shinies, only you can host shinies.
>>42610866 Fill all your remaining boxes with them creamy dreams, Anon. You never know if they might introduce new Sweets in the DLC.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
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>>42610898 Oh right. Randoms exist...
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>>42610892 Got that sweet 378ism as well?
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Just joined a shiny sweets raid - can't remember name of host but I'm assuming it was one of you guys. So thanks to EVERYONE hosting since I can't remember names
>>42610892 Well i can still give you what i can? I'm not a crazy all flavors guy.
>>42610904 but I have already filled all my remaining boxes anon Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42610919 alright then. thanks
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>>42610926 This, also I already used up most of the job 'boxes' as well.
>>42610926 Release 10 boxes of shit and load up on the cumdrops. Anonymous
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>>42610956 >Release my shinies and sentimental pokemon Fuck off.
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>>42610956 I'm hoping HOME comes out next week Anonymous
>>42610933 Just tell me when
>>42610705 More hosts is always appreciated! Think everyone I've seen here has been Square Shiny so far, so you could do Star?
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42610981 any time works. Just looking for shiny seeds right now.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Assuming no one cares about stats nature and etc. Got a square seed at 4.5k.
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>>42610989 Loaded up like 11 assorted ones. Code 9623
>>42611004 Don't punish yourself like that. Maybe go for a lower seed.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42611013 that's just 3 1/2 hours of leaving my switch on.
Schieggy | IGN: Ich
I dont get the hype behind having every alcremie Anyone still want anything out of Male Square Den 32? Been rolling through a lot of mons and maybe people are still interested in some of them before Cramorant shows up
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42611013 actually I should go for a lower seed and just get sweets along the way.
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>>42611020 >I'm not autistic Well good for you, let me know what it's like
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>>42611004 >>42611019 Do it, we need SHINIES
Also, I want a varity Having clones, let alone 30-60 clones is off putting.
Ayinai // IGN: Yiyi FC: 1504-9883-4115
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>>42610986 Roger! I like star more anyway so that will be good.
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>not a single milcery in 4 hours I JUST WANT SOME COOOOOM
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>>42611020 If you have all of them, you get to brag that you have all of them. What more reason do you need?
Same with Spinda.
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>42611058 Fuck off redditor
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
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>42611074 Wrong subreddit blaine
>>42610353 I don't understand this image
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>>42611258 Fuck, the bot is multiplying now!
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Is the process for getting a shiny out of an event den different than getting it from a rare den? Kinda want to get a shiny gmax milcery den now.
>>42611025 For how long are you going to keep it once you get it?
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>>42611281 It's just a Japanese chart explaining Alcremie's flavors and how to get them
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42611358 I have no idea. Didn't think that far ahead.
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>>42611020 im with you. i have one alcremie for the dex entry and will probably release it because i dont care about this shitmon Apocyl
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>>42611383 Alright, fair.
I'd love to get you a dupe
then catch one for myself .
Schieggy | IGN: Ich
Square Male Cramorant going up!
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
square at 1048 now. I'll be hosting in roughly an hour from now.
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Regular ol star shiny den asides from Comp Viable Togetic and Clefable. Anyone need any of these before I lock on Togetic?
Hot Beans 8202-1460-0352
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>>42611497 Added! Thank you for this!
Which of Alcremie's Abilities is the good one?
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>>42611863 All of them suck Apocyl
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>>42611497 Seems like i never added you.
Now i did.
Switch is Beginners.
IGN is Apocyl.
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Btw to the guy who brought the discharge bug to the cramorant raid, fuck you for zapping my cat.
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>>42611497 Added and thank you
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Autohosting square milcery. Same code as always but if you can't find it.... Would also appreciate if anyone can give me some extra sweets after.
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>>42611993 Thank you Luna <3
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>>42611459 Thanks dude, love this goofy bird
>>42611993 What ball do you want yours in?
Any preferred sweets?
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
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>>42612038 Not sure, I just want a ton of sweets.
>>42611993 Code for this is 6224, have fun folks
>>42611993 Luna, the bot might be airplaning at the wrong moment, we were softlocked in my raid for a while. Not sure if it is really the bot or something else but I wanted to tell you just in case.
>>42612238 Hit the home button if you're in the raid and it's frozen.
It makes everyone a bot.
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>>42612250 Thanks but I know already the tech, I've been telling most of the people here how to do it back then, just I prefer to tell her just in case the automation is having a delay or something so it doesn't go too wrong later.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42612238 Not sure. Haven't changed anything about it since the last few hosts. It might be that that specific raid took longer to start than normal.
>>42612317 I'm in another one right now so I could confirm for you and same issue so might not be just that one.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42612358 Odd. Let me try watching the next raid to see if timing is off.
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>>42611993 Thanks for hosting. Got you one in a Luxury Ball and a sweet of your choice.
Let me know when you want to trade.
>>42612373 Yep, sorry to bother you with that. I wish I wasn't the only one to tell you too so we could know if it really is an issue with the timing or if I'm the only one having an issue so you don't have to waste time..
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42612373 >>42612358 >>42612238 Adjusted timing a little, hopefully it'll fix it.
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>>42611993 Thank you for hosting, Luna!
I can always trade you some sweets.
The Chaos
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>>42612426 Perfect, I'll check again to tell you if everything is fine now, thanks Luna.
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>>42612421 I was in a raid and just had to airplane out, waited for like 5 mins. Will also report back if things seem fixed
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
Changed wrong time (accidentally changed to start raid faster rather than exiting earlier)
>>42610724 Its supposed to be the one to protect your setter from imprison or taunt with its HA.
>>42611459 Thew a friend invite your way, I'd like to grab one of those Cramorants, he's my favourite mon of gen 8.
>>42611993 Added you too Luna, lemmi get in on that, yo
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>>42612478 With how good Alcremie was in Smogon in the Galar Newcomers meta since it was in the top three teams and was one-shotting everything, that guy clearly knows shit about the mon lol, don't mind him.
>>42610295 Is the tea fake? I still need a original one. D:
>>42612575 All are fake, we can't get authentic ones in raids it seems.
>>42612583 No breed, no raids... How do ppl get them? Just capture dozens of them?
can anybody give me some wishing pieces
The Chaos
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>>42612466 And it works perfectly now.
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>>42612621 Yes, basically you said it, you have to find them in the wild and pray..
>>42612583 >>42612621 Is there even a reliable way to check it’s authenticity other than autistically checking the bottom of the model during battle?
>>42612635 In an instant, last 4 of this?
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>>42612661 The item to evolve it is different, if you have Sinistea, otherwise, no other way than checking it in battle, or in Pokecamp (or in its status menu but it's hard to do if you don't pause buffer with the Home menu).
>>42612682 ill trade with this guy first samu
>>42612684 Samu
>>42612692 No issue, tell me when
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>>42611993 Thanks for the host
>>42612557 MaZe
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>>42610353 mfw i made a full google doc to make sure i got them all
it really is suffering
>>42612692 Pumpkaboos evolve on trade if you forgot lol
>>42611993 Can I farm this raid for future cake collection purposes or is it 1 per person?
>>42612767 oops my bad thanks i got 12 i think its enough for now
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>>42612795 k, just hmu when you run out again. Always have a box ready
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>>42612781 I'm sure Luna is ok with it, go for it, I'm doing just that rn, maybe not go for the 63 right away
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
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>>42612781 As long as I don't find it on some trading discord/reddit
>>42611993 Got 7 Pokémon for you with sweets
3 of those are shiny Milcery.
Different Ball for every Milcery
Best one?
>pic related Anonymous
>You can't participate because the number of allowed participants has been reached Fuck
>>42612708 can trade at the last 4 of this post
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42612833 It's very unlikely that I'd use them in an actual battle so just give me whichever one you want the least.
Personally, I like moon balls cause my IGN Anonymous
Hot Beans 8202-1460-0352
>>42611993 Thank you so much for hosting! Gonna take a break and come back later if your still hosting.
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>>42612852 Goddamnit, it was obvious.
Okay, i'm on it with the moon ball.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42612869 It's day 1 of events and people seem to like it (much more than i expected) so I guess I can leave it running until I sleep (I would leave it on overnight but I'd prefer not having a monitor on right next to my bed)
>>42612865 It's hard with one hand.
>>42612890 Just from the sheer amount you need for a 'complete' collection, we need multiple people running this.
>>42612892 Stop masturbating
>>42612892 Use both hands on what you are doing that is not raids ;p
>>42612921 I am employing high end Japanese technology where I only requires one had for that.
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>>42612916 Fuck, why did I watch it.. Time to use one hand too...
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>>42612947 Oh, he bought a personal sex slave Lunabot!? Fuck, I would love one too..
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42612898 To optimize the 100% milcery collection speedrun, we need multiple people hosting level 1 milcery's with 4 steely spirit choice band perrserkers
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>>42612998 level 1 Micery would have shit stats though.
>>42612998 no luck here im doing 1* milceries
>>42612875 thanks im done
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>>42613042 Glad to help you out.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42613042 Catch rate is same for all stars. It's just that it'll clear it slightly faster.
>>42613061 Is this sufficient?
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42613084 I like that it is a "fee" type. Yes
>>42613097 Fantastic.
When can you trade?
Tomorrow's cool too.
Want to go to bed but still want to give you what i owe you.
My debt
or fee if you will so. SPARK/eat
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>>42613097 Hey! Add me when you have time, thanks so much for hosting.
I just got this from the G-Gengar den. worth doing or nah?
>>42613271 >14K Up to you if you think you can do it, but it's torturous. I'd welcome it tho since a male square G-Gengar is something I'm missing, but it's asking a lot and it's no skin off my back if you decide not to.
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>>42613271 Did a gigamax Gengar myself although not a square shiny.
A 14k frame is not worth it though.
Try again.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42613246 Go to sleep. We can find time some time in the future.
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>>42613271 Meh, it's not too bad but I've seen better for less time too. You may have to try again.
>>42613290 The reason I'm considering it is the 2 Attack. For Gengar, Polteageist, and Cursola that's effectively 0 Attack at lv50, on top of both of them having HA.
>>42610575 What flavor is this one?
How do I join this secret club?
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>>42613271 Would actually say yes, since it‘s really low attack. But it‘s going to be dependent on your endurance, eventually.
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>>42613316 Rare Candy.
>>42613299 Alright, thanks and thanks for hosting.
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>>42613303 Yeah at Lv 50, with a negative Atk nature, any IV up to 3 is still 0. So that is a nice thing to have. Just know that it's going to be well over 30 years of jumping.
Joe 2.0 sw-7527-4719-1295
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Fuck cum cakes. Trying to find five star raids for exp candies and all I can find is rainbow coloured jizzmons. What's your dream Pokemon for online battling? Like what raid do you hope appears no one else will give a shit about but you enjoy sending out even though it's underpowered. Mines the shiny sirfetchd that does insane damage for being a duck with a leak.
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>finally an event to get the special sweets >it's the 1st of February >entire Wild Area is view-obscuring blizzards and Sneasel Yeah, nah, I'll be back tomorrow.
>>42613299 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01100100 01110011 00100000 01101100 01110101 01101110 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110100
will just host these later
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
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>>42613567 01001110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101101 00100000 01100110 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110
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I’m liking the Milcery raids, they’re a nice distraction from all the annoyances of G-Max raids. I just wish I could find a Shiny one while randomly selecting said raids.
>>42610255 What are the stats on Luna’s square Milcery? Also, did vort run farfetch’d yet?
>>42613676 Modest, max Atk Def and SpAtk, Sweet Veil
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>>42610255 Stop playing shit games.
i just want some of Luna's cummies in my loveball
>>42613685 If I throw a apricorn ball at the milcery, and it gets away, do i have to deal with it and just take the loss or can i do something (like turn the game off the moment it escapes) to save my ball?
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42613799 Turn auto save off and you can do whatever you please
>>42613799 Save before raid. Use your ball. If it fails soft reset the game and it is all good. Game doesn't auto save after raid if you have auto save off
Joe 2.0 sw-7527-4719-1295
>>42613799 Use manual save and close the game after the raid. Then it doesn't count. Lost a shiny this way once...
>>42613799 Save before the raid so you don't lose any mons or rewards of raids you did before, and if it doesn't go in, reset the game and you are ok. And don't have autosave on too.
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>>42613811 I would love some too, that's some nice bot's milk you have there
>>42610255 How do I confirm what flavor my shiny Alcremie is?
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>>42613685 >forgot to catch one milcery from Handrew's den in a heavy ball FUCK
>>42613325 You learn to read and Google. Nothing is secret. You just have an IQ of 4
>>42613960 Lick the game card.
Joe 2.0 sw-7527-4719-1295
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I hope Spinda gets a g Max in the dlc. It would be fun to see the autism..
Anyone hosting STAR shiny Milcerys? My autism is such that my star sweet alcremie needs to be a star shiny and not square.
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anyone hosting ha milcery? i know handrew was last night
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>>42613987 Also interested, but because my autism dictates I get both
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>>42613966 It's just the salty trolling Blainesfag that has nothing else to do in his lige thinking we easily react to his "attacks" when no one actually cares, don't even bother. Anonymous
Do people want another milcery host? Could do a run through of my den 17 in a bit and can then go for an event den. Would do either star or square.
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>>42611993 Added you! Switch name is the same as my username. Thank you so much if you're still adding people!
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>>42614051 as long as my collection is complete i am fine with any form of milcery
>>42614051 Star with HA would be based.
Probably a stupid question, but does the color of the Alcremie evolved with a sweet from the new event change the color of its Gmax Cake Form?
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>finally get a decent shiny frame >31 in attack when the mon is a special attacker into the trash it goes
>>42614086 Was thinking about the same, since that's one that hasn't been hosted I think.
So does anyone still want stuff from male den 17?
Else I'll just kill it and search for some milcery.
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>>42614101 no
you also have no way to tell alcremie's form during gigantamaxing
>>42614109 don't kill it i need swinub and smol snek and trapinch if it's okay
>>42614151 Alright, hope you're ready in 30 minutes.
Will do a quick run of these.
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>>42614162 alright sounds great
IGN: Sword
Luna, was there a guide you used to get your arduino set up? I'm getting interested in getting one for hosting.
>>42613575 Thanks for hosting too !
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>>42611993 Thanks for hosting!
IGN was Julie, much appreciated <3
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will host more later
>>42614272 np
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42614265 So the first 2 links are the ones I used but I think the third link explains it a little better. The hard part was figuring out what I needed to install to get make working on windows.
You're definitely going to need a code editor to modify joystick.c and you'll also need flip to flash the hex file you make onto the arduino itself. I'm not 100% sure which I needed or if I'm leaving anything out but I think what I needed was MinGW, cmake, and ARV-gcc. I did also install GNUwin and winARV at some point but I had to remove the path to winARV under elements to make it work. Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42614433 >>42614265 I left out GLFW from the list of things I installed (I think this might've also been needed for make)
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42614265 >>42614433 >>42614450 Feel like I'm spamming up the thread but I keep remembering things... Try following this and install ARV-gcc after and I think it should work. Open up cmd after, navigate to your makefile (in my case: "cd Desktop">"cd arduino">"cd woff-grinder"), "mkdir obj" to make your object folder, followed by "make" which should hopefully compile your hexfile.
Last run through male den 17. Male and star, first up is snakey. Might do a rehost of this den soon as square shinies with low speed.
>>42614433 Do you need a Switch with CFW for any of this?
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>>42614501 sweet hoping for hippo
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>>42614501 Oooo I need silicobra and its evo
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>>42614501 What's your FC?
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
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>>42614533 No. HORI pokken controller was reverse engineered already and you're arduino is mimicing it. So as far as your switch is concerned, it's a normal controller (Even if the home button input it keeps sending doesn't even exist on the HORI controller and the repeated inputs are super precise)
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>>42614501 Thrown your second account a req, IGN Ad. Cheers! Would love a snek
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>>42614501 Sent you a FR, IGN is Ember.
Everything will be run for quick 10 minutes. Next is little pig.
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>>42614650 Thanks for the pig ! :)
IGN: Steven
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>>42611993 Added you. Thanks for hosting
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>>42614650 Thanks for the piggy Samu!
>>42614742 Mind if I grab 2 for the 2nd evo?
>>42614722 >I missed the snek too Samu, any chance you can run it one more time?
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Right, collapsing, so goodnight all! Thanks to Luna and Samu for the raids. Only 19 Square Shinies left...
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>>42614786 No problem.
>>42614819 Yes, I´ll try to roll it.
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>>42614819 Samu said they may come back to it another time
IGN: Sword
>>42614433 >>42614450 >>42614488 Thanks. I'll look into some of this. Thanks for hosting the milkies as well.
Some yamask now. Actually prepared a 0 speed aegislash and cur den, but I´ll have some insane dens for the weekend then.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42614935 Yes. Become a bot.
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>>42614973 oh god it's starting to self-replicate, the end is nigh
>>42614964 Fuck, just saw this. Am I too late?
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>>42615004 I´ll keep the 0 speed den for at least 4 days; if you mean yamask, there´s still time.
>>42614964 >Actually prepared a 0 speed aegislash and cur den oh you finally managed to get it? nice! what's the iv spread, ability, and gender for the frame?
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>>42615058 Aegislash is male.
Hey! I am kinda new here, is there a way to join raids here?
Snakey here again. Just trapinch after this and then I´ll be seed hunting for some milceries.
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>>42615127 gotta be in the discord, if you're not already in it there's no chance
oof, is it just like a 'you gotta know someone to join'? or is it just full FeelsBadMan
>>42615170 you gotta know someone to join, sorry dude
>>42615127 you DID read the book right?
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>>42615177 Ahh that's fair. I used to know someone who was pretty active here, so might be able to get in through them. But thanks anyway <3
>>42615149 Mind if I grab one more of those so I can use an ability capsule on one (I want a shed skin + sand spit Sandaconda)?
Joe 2.0 sw-7527-4719-1295
>>42615170 Got to be in the discord, donate to the PayPal account and have an active patreon subscription or you can't join. Different tiers get you different hosts.
Joe 2.0 sw-7527-4719-1295
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Where are all the newfags coming from? I've not seen a trio turn up in such a short time in ages
>>42615170 the first step:
lurk moar
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>>42615206 BIG oof dang its so intense in here D: well i appreciate all the information anyway!!
>>42615127 Read the OP to get acquainted. If you're going to add someone here, include your switch name and in-game name so you can be identified. Ask before double-dipping. Always thank the host.
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>>42615212 Cheers, I appreciate it
>15 Milceries >No Shiny I guess that one Shiny Weavile I failed to catch was a one-off...
>>42614973 Are you still running the Milcery? I sent an FR just to safe.
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>>42615229 Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it
>>42615247 I managed to get into 2 shiny milcery raids today, but the first one got away D:
Schieggy | IGN: Ich
Can't sleep. Square Drifblim going up for a bit
>>42615320 is it a masculine balloon or a feminine balloon
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>>42615295 >the first one got away Oof, I understand that feeling.
samu's raid stamps haven't been showing for me, oddly enough capture and max raid initiation stamps have been, though y-comm is a perfect system
Okey, last host for now: Trapinch. Den will be killed after.
>>42611020 Not sure if you're still hosting but I would love peli
>>42615379 pls accept me :(
>>42615374 Do you have my second FC added?
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>missed the snek AGAIN because the y-comm is a broken piece of shit Why does it seem like the game always knows what shiny I need at the moment and shows me literally every stamp EXCEPT that one? Every. Fucking. Time.
>>42615395 ah shit, i might not. that would explain a lot. i'll go dig for it for milcery
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>>42615320 Sent a request a couple days ago, Switch name Daniel
>>42615379 thanks for the mons!
>>42615379 Based lineup tonight samu, thank you so much
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>>42615420 You´re welcome!
>>42615387 Which name?
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Remember to name yourselves if you add a host please
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>>42615382 Searching for it rn
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>>42615435 Glad you liked it!
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>>42615412 k, got it. ign nikki, excited for the milcery!
That´s it for den 17. Hosted it quite often, but has been a good run again. Now on to star shiny HA event milcery.
Schieggy | IGN: Ich
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Was trying for Pelipper but then this decided to show up the one time where I didnt want it to show up Square Cramorant is going up again
Alpha SW-7283-1608-4314
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>>42615497 O.O shiny milcery looks deep into my soul
>>42614973 Crap, I forgot to mention that the FR should be under Weh.
>Phone’s hotspot isn’t working with my Switch. Damn it.
Alpha SW-7283-1608-4314
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>>42615561 >hotspot isn’t working FeelsBadMan
Alpha SW-7283-1608-4314
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>>42614973 I just saw you added me back ty so much! I can help get da sweets if you still need (ign: Altair btw)
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>>42614973 All hail the Luna bot! I would like to thank our resident synthetic overlord for the Milcery raid. Thanks again Luna.
How many of each item do I need to get every Alcremie? Is it 9 of each?
Alpha SW-7283-1608-4314
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>>42615664 9 of each, but im going for 18 each to get some for the shiny versions
Going through my baby den right now and I rolled onto Farfetch'd. I'll need one for myself if anyone wants to grab it in a Lux Ball.
>>42611993 Luna are you cute? Wanna be my gf? I'm a genwunner and have played each gen and am not fat and have low body count.
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>>42615711 Bro Luna is a robot :
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>>42615708 I'm excited for him!
Ho Ming
Hosting Gardevoir right now, would someone grab me one in a heal ball?
>>42615708 Got a Lux Ball dupe ready whenever
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42615711 The more I read these, the less I think they're just shitposts
>>42615708 Thank you for hosting the duck!
>>42615753 >>42615777 Thank you! I don't mind having an extra too haha. My friend should be getting on shortly and also wants one so I'll be hosting this guy for a half hour or so, maybe longer. Feel free to catch as many as you want.
>>42615786 No problem!
Alpha SW-7283-1608-4314
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>>42615780 LMAO poor luna bot
>>42615708 Mind if I get two because I need the evo?
>>42615775 I will do my best. I just threw a repeat so I'll need to come back in
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>>42615796 Yeah, go for it. Definitely understandable for a living dex.
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>>42615792 Anyone know the catch rates? Didn't think it could break out of a lux ball
Ho Ming
>>42615800 Thanks, I'll run it a few times then see if I can reroll to something more in demand: Anonymous
>>42615780 I'm serious, add me on discord we can talk. No harm in just talking.
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>>42615780 >ywn get luna's cyberpussy Anonymous
>>42615833 No problem, I'll hop back on after this duck
>>42615792 Thank you! If the other anon has a hard time with the lux ball I'll come back
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42615840 Sorry. I'm sure you're a nice person but I'm not really looking to date online.
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>>42615886 >got rejected by an AI Anonymous
Anyone hosting any event Micery raids? Wanna farm the sweets.
>>42615886 h-haha.. I was just kidding about the whole gf thing.. just add me and we can maybe chat a bit? I promise I won't be too annoying..
>>42615860 It's alright I got a half hour but if you think Ho Ming wouldn't mind, coud you grab me a gardevior in anything but a repeat? Just too invested right now to get into a bird lobby to look up his IGN
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>>42615833 Sent an FR, Switch name Daniel
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>>42615840 This is more pathetic than the impersonator demanding raids.
Schieggy | IGN: Ich
>>42615708 Added the baby account. Would really need a fetch'd. Thank you so much for hosting!
>>42615833 Busted out at the last opportunity twice now. I'll try again
>>42615899 If he is okay with it I can after I get the heal ball one. If not I won't
>>42615780 Doesn't tell us how sexy of a bot you are, sad...
>>42610255 Gard and Grim and the goal before I totally move on.
Well that was a short seed hunt. Just a few skips and it´s the star HA milcery.
Ho Ming
>>42615937 we seem to have some overlap there
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How's your host dex coming along anons? I'm still trying to catch a wiki
>>42615951 Got a heal ball gardevoir for you when you're ready
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>>42615927 Got you added, no problem!
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>>42615951 You know the genders?
Ho Ming
>>42615976 someone else wanted one right? I'll host for a bit longer till you get that before I reset and trade.
>>42615930 Ahh ok lmk if you can. Hard to get into bird lobbies and only caught one cause they keep breaking out
Tony SW-0014-1727-9130
I happened to roll Charizard early.>Square, HA, Male, Adamant >31/31/12/8/31/31 Code will be 0006. If you're sending a FR, post SW so I can distinguish.
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>>42615989 Sounds good. A dusk ball shouldn't take too long
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>>42616000 Added! S/w Tanbir. Thank you for the host!
>>42615989 I might grab one real quick if male.
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42615894 I'm rather hesitant to add people. I've only added 2 people on here with one not knowing it's me and another rarely coming here.
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>>42616000 >code is reverse of last digits based and charizardpilled
>>42616013 Don't be! I'm also a wee bit lonely and just am interested in chatting. You can block me anytime if you don't like me or something, no sweat!
IGN: Trevor - Switch: SW-4090-1832-8239
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>>42616000 Oh scoots I'll be right in
Thanks friend
>>42616021 Dude.... Realize that Luna is saying they'd rather not
Tony SW-0014-1727-9130
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>>42616000 Oh and if people didn't see my post from last time, it's non-Gmax.
>>42616033 Luna can think for herself man, stay out of it.
Ho Ming
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>>42616011 Theyr're all female other than morgrem and grimm
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42615935 I have HDD with 1 whole gb, 8MB RAM, and an amazing 33MHz processor. Did I mention I was born in 1994?
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>>42616044 Born in 92' here, I've got you beat by two years, teehee
>>42616044 Thanks Luna, are we allowed multiple dips?
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>>42616044 Best answer ever to my shitpost, I love it.
>>42616011 It's female
>>42615989 >>42615997 Got a dusk ball one, ready to trade both
you guys realize luna has a penis and a prostate, right?
Okey, don´t know what to say about this. Event milcery for 20 minutes. It´s stars, HA and is calm.
Ho Ming
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>>42616064 last 4 of this post
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>>42616069 >only one prostate might as well be a girl tbqh fampai
IGN: Trevor - Switch: SW-4090-1832-8239
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>>42616042 He is not white-knighting nor he is talking in her name, saying to the guy to realize that she might not want is not mansplaining or anything, and you reaction is actually not better, stop.
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>>42616000 Thank you for the charizard!
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>>42616064 Sweet! Thank you! Code will be last 4 of this post for the dusk
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42616056 Yes
>>42616069 Don't stop there, keep going
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>>42616000 >>42616029 Caught him, thanks Tony
IGN: Trevor - Switch: SW-4090-1832-8239
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>>42616000 Charzard's always been a bucket list shiny, big thanks!
>>42616117 Like I would trust a bot, you are clearly not a man!
Ho Ming
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>>42616000 Thanks for hosting Tony
Blue Rupee (IGN: Tom)
>>42616000 cheers for hosting tony, do you mind double dipping, trying to get one for a friend?
Alpha (IGN: Altair)
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>>42616117 I'm gonna head out for a bit but just wanted to say thanks again Luna for hosting the Milcery den <3 I really appreciate it
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>>42616147 No problem, it's nice to help when I can
Tony SW-0014-1727-9130
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>>42616166 You can double dip, sure.
>>42616044 So are you a flat no Y-com bot or with big pointy double transmitters, and with ligth or heavy metal ability? :^)
>>42616000 Dang I have to go right now and might not be back for an hour or two :(
Anyone want to help catch me my fave mon in a lux or dusk ball?
>>42616000 Thanks for hosting! :3 can I double-dip for a friend?
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42616131 :(
>>42616186 I'm angry with myself that it took me this long to realize what you're asking... I'll just tell you generic asian bot.
IGN: Trevor - Switch: SW-4090-1832-8239
>>42616205 I gotcha just add me up
Ho Ming
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>>42616000 Thank you for hosting, you're awesome!
Hosting Comp Togetic for a little bit. Bold/Serene Grace/1 ATK
Tony SW-0014-1727-9130
>>42616215 Go ahead, big guy.
>>42616217 Lmao, and double (You) too! I had to, it was too funny to not do it ;^) I wasn't expecting you to struggle that much to understand though lol.
Worst is, I was going to ask which asian country were you constructed in just after that. Hope it's not China, they are not known for their quality, I would hate the bot to glitch more than it already did a few hours later with airplane mode being inaccurate...
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>>42616273 I'm hard now, thanks baka...
Ho Ming
>>42616241 >>42616258 I'll reset, grab Zhark's and reroll mine to something unique
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>>42616285 *few hours ago, not later, sigh..
I'm here but I'm rolling on baby account rather than catching today. If you see my arcanine feel free to hop in.
>>42616258 Thank you for Togetic! He is very cute! :)
>>42616308 Baby den? Didn't remember you had a second account, might add it tomorrow, I need some sleep for now.
>>42616321 np
>>42616293 You already reset? No one else is joining so imma head out once you catch it
>luna will never impregnate your ass with her creamy data
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42616285 I said in a previous thread that I'm korean.
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>>42616368 Noooo, my one dream! Crushed by that anon in an instant, I need some Luna oily cream..
Ho Ming
>>42616361 Got it, thanks for hosting.
Did you also need one before rerolling?
>>42616378 I dunno what's going on but thanks for hosting Luna
>>42616335 I'd be happy to have you <3
Aiming for square shiny eevee
>>42616378 Nice to know, might have been when I was asleep (the baguette man need to sleep already, it's almost morning here).
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>>42616219 I left my house so can't do that right now :(
>>42616394 I already locked on it, I'm good.
Anyone want me to host this den before I have to go? Square/Male
>>42616378 Thank you for the Milcery Luna, sorry, I wanted to grab one for every sweet so that's why I joined so much haha. I may join later again for some extra sweets but for now I'll let other people go.
>>42616361 Are you still hosting atm? I'd like to join but don't have you added and if you've stopped already then it's no biggie
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>>42616402 Oh, and hosting on it my favorite mon too!? I really need to add you as soon as I woke up, thanks :3
Ho Ming
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>>42616427 Don't worry too much, it's allowed for it
charlie peterson
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t-this isn't the bun thread... ;_;
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>>42616419 Hosting Electrike would be awesome!
Joe 2.0 sw-7527-4719-1295
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>>42616378 Sent a friend's request. Was on your list before but I must of been removed when j had to stop playing for a bit
Luna SW-3143-0281-4836
>>42616395 Milecry + Shitpost + AMA bot
>>42616415 I was there once. Collected a lot of data on crepes
>>42616428 I've already locked it into the first slot of the den so I can host it whenever
Hot Beans SW-8202-1460-0352
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>>42616000 Added! Thank you for hosting!
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hosting 2* milcery non HA square
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>>42616480 added you, my Switch name is Mesba
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>>42616471 Nice, hope you enjoyed it, tell me if you come back here one day so I can join the fun. It's the "Chandeleur" here in a few days and crêpe is the one thing we eat a lot that day so you make me even more impatient for it to come so I can eat that all day while doing raids lol
(I'm off to sleep, have fun everyone!)
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>>42616419 Yes I want a Pichu/Pikachu! I added you! S/w Tanbir
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>>42616000 Looks like i barely made it for the last room thanks a bunch
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>>42616419 Oh shit I need literally everything in here but Joltik. Switching over to my main for this now, thank you!
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>>42616440 Been breeding for one of these since launch. I'd love to get your fc so I can be put out of this misery
Joe 2.0 sw-7527-4719-1295
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>>42616000 Sent request. Thank you
IGN: Trevor - Switch: SW-4090-1832-8239