>>42653790its easier to take a existing pokemon from your/someone elses save and modify it then creating a pokemon from scratch.
The first tab of creation should be simple, name/nature/item/level/etc is all pretty self explanatory.
Met tab is the hardest, you'll have to get the correct level and the correct game/location. Sometimes the game does weird stuff to the location, especially if you moved it from a earlier game through poketransporter or whatever. A very easy solution for 95% of the pokemon is to put Met Location (Route 3), Met Level 1, "As Egg", Egg Met Location: a Nursery worker. This will make the pokemon "hatched from an egg" and allow you to add egg moves and get a legal met tab in most cases.
Stats tab is self explanatory again, attacks tab can be a bit tricky, if its a TR you need to also add it in the Technical Record window, egg moves go into the bottom window.
Last Tab is easy too, you need to know your sid/tid if you want the pokemon to be detected as "caught by you", if you dont care just put whatever.
If this is too much for you then look into the auto legality mod plugin for pkhex. They have a discord that explains how to use the mod and it comes with a easy import function (basically you build the pokemon in showdown and import it into the game and the plugin will try and make it legal). Also comes with a live injection now, which means you can inject while you are in the game, so you no longer need to get out of the game to dump the save etc, very comfy.