>>42672018In a vacuum scenario not accounting for Stats, Abilities, Moves, etc. I'd say the best to worst pairings with Normal-Type go;
1) Psychic
2) Ghost
3) Flying & Fairy
4) Poison
5) Bug
7) Monotype
8) Water, Electric, Grass, Fire, Ground, Fighting, Dragon
15) Steel, Ice
17) Rock
18) Dark
Psychic is the highest because of the Ghost immunity it gains reversing a Weakness in essence, it shares this with Ghost but beyond that it also means Normal-Type gets a STAB type to counter Fighting which Psychic can do alongside Flying & Fairy.
Dark-Type is the worst out of the lot because the Ghost immunity makes Dark's resistance redundant, also Quad Weakness to Fighting and above all that Dark is resisted by Fighting something it shares with Rock, however at least Rock turns a neutral matchup against Ghost into a full immunity which is more of an upgrade.