>>42686335finally at a computer!
>>42675110really cute! love the black and white aesthetic!
>>42676428i don't like the hair, and the stockings seem to clash
>>42676664really digging the sporty aesthetic
>>42676873red hoodie is probably my favorite in your collage
>>42677461the stacy
>>42677764the left really clashes with the red bag and black jacket, but the right is pretty good
>>42678058you wish you were as cool as Leon
>>42678427you're trying
>>42678480i LOVE that megane pose, and the braids couldn't be a better choice
>>42681461CUTE reminds me of a certain character that i can't put my tongue on
>>42681730can barely make anything out, stop trying to touch Meowth's dick
ON FIRE>>42681748oh i love the choice of stockings and the sunglasses
>>42681755the most basic bitch here
>>42681773again pretty basic, but better than the last
>>42683123i would rate him if i could find him
>>42683341oh love that hoodie
>>42683351lassies at least ye aren'ta slag