>killed pss
>replaced it with le upvote elevator ghost and festival fagza
>killed proper national dex
>introduced changes of the pokemon roster mid-gen, first in the series, sets the precedent that would lead to the trainwreck we have today
>removed triples because muh trainer model that disappears during half of the move animations anyway
>removed typing in your own sentences in online in favor of sterilized baked sentences because muh child fee fees
>put a gay attire on the character every time you ride something, removing some of the appeal of player customization
>removed consistent region map in favor of haphazardly designed islands
>removed gyms in favor of random challenges, taking away from the feeling of progression through the game
>made it evident game freak hit a fidelity wall in the graphics department
gen 7 (or more appropriately named 6.5) can rot in hell