>>42694291>Yeah retard, forget that two ultrabeasts were banned to ubers.Only 1 of them was Ubers, and it was the one with Deoxys stat spread.
>Kartana is plain broken with 180 attack and faster than infernape w/ moxie.And he has shit coverage and low power moves, sometimes needing to use Giga-Impact with a Z-Crystal.
>And bulky as fuck physically with 130 defense + steel/grassUninvested, it can only survive so much, and any Special Attack that isn’t resisted or Poison destroys it.
>Most ultra beasts are broken thanks to beast boost + scarf powercreep bullshit on the likes of Blacephalon, or XurkiThe former being C rank in Gen 7 and the latter being UUBL.
>Celesteela walls almost everything and Staka is of the best the best trick room usersCelesteela is UR in Gen 8 NatDex simply because Corviknight exists, and Stakataka was RUBL+Would face competition with Hatterne+Requires you to have a negative Nature to even get the proper boosts.