>>42702417You would be a child protagonist from a small town in the middle of nowhere, and your professor would be a bit more of an eccentric, "Doc Brown" kind of character who would invent a time machine. At first you would be sent into the distant past, most of the new Pokémon there would be prehistoric, possibly even regional fossil mons, but eventually you would come in contact with an evil team that were trying to change the timeline so that they would rule the world. They would be from the far-future and have a new kind of special man-made robot Pokémon. Essentially all the NEW Pokémon (besides the starters) would either be dinosaurs from the past or machines from the future. The machine Pokémon would all be single-typed and couldn't evolve but could be combined with each other to form dual-typed combos of your choosing.
Eventually the evil team would cause a paradox that would summon a new legendary that was created due to a timeline they caused.
When you scan the paradox Pokémon, it's Pokédex number would be missing...