>>42709885I think it improves the game because it gives more versatility to sets. I think it this way:
A Pokémon who has almost equal Attack and Special Attack, like Infernape. And let's say you have access to both Flare Blitz and Fire Blast.
Before the split, you have two choices. You either run a special spread for powerful fire attacks and weak figthing attacks, a physical set for weak fire attacks and powerful fighting ones, or run a mixed spread to have decent power on both sides.
With the split, you can run a physical spread with two poweful physical stab moves, a special spread with two special stab moves, a mixed spread with physical fire + special fighting, a mixed spread with special fire + phyisical fighting, or a balanced one using the moves with the highest BP, regardless of being physical or special, cause one of the Pokémon's advantages are it's versatility for having equal offensive stats. You can try all sets and they may or may not be as useful depending on your opponents stats.
Your opponent might use Aggron or some huge physical wall against your physical Infernape, and make physical stab moves bounce off him while special stab moves destroy it's ass, even though they are SE. Your opponent might use a Chansey against your special Infernape and do the same. This wouldn't happen before the split. You would just need to choose high fire BP move against Aggron, high figthing BP move against Chansey and call it a day.