>>42720215VGC rules are shit, for one. The banlist isn't based around any actual attempts at balance, instead basing it around availability in a game where trading is easy and making hacks that can pass checks is even easier. There is no reason whatsoever to ban limited Pokemon that don't break the format. Anyone who can't get a hold of them or deal with them wouldn't have been able to win even with the bans in place. It's also a ruleset that allowed Dark Void Smeargle to run rampant for three gens straight before GF pretty much gutted the move instead of TPCi making a fucking ban.
Second, like it or not, most players prefer singles. It's what most of us are accustomed to, because 99% of the mainline games are played in singles. The anime is largely about the single format. Running an official format based on a battle style that most players never even touch is stupid, even if there are perfectly logical reasons for doing so. People wanna play singles, the official format doesn't really support that, so they go to fucking smogon instead.
Third, they don't really market VGC or make any attempts to make it attractive anymore. Regionals used to offer event Pokemon, but that stopped as soon as the 5th gen hit. Then they started charging stupid amounts of money for admission, last I heard. Aren't the prizes still dinky shit, too?
So the prospect of going to VGC means traveling who knows how many miles to wait in line and pay to get your ass handed to you by whichever team is meta that year in a format you're likely unfamiliar with and you don't get get a little digital critter to take home with you. Unless it's Worlds.
Nah, it sucks, and I'm still salty over them removing events from regionals.