Honestly, if they're really planning on porting ORAS they can release
>ORAS port>Sinnoh remake>Let's Go Johtoand then gen 9 in 2023
Also, I think it's notable that there were 5 scrubbed pokedex slots in SwSh. We already know about more than 5 new pokemon, so my guess is that those were JUST the mythicals for this gen. If they give us 4 mythicals and one can evolve, that will fill 4 years of movies. Plus, being able to introduce new pokemon and forms in DLC, without a full release, means a better trickle of new stuff to merchandise even between gens, where in the past it was just mythicals.
Of course, at this stage this is just wishful thinking. So far we do not have any reason to believe that TPC will not want another 3-year generation.