>>42747907>Kanto1/3 of its starters is usable in OU (Venusaur due to being a sun abuser) so that gets a pass (Non-Megas). Else all of their mega forms has niche in OU.
>HoennBlaziken is a beast and Swampert is just good. Sceptile.... is Sceptile. With Mega Forms, both Swampert and Blaziken are beasts. Swampert is better at doubles than Blaziken although I'm not sure if that's really a hard thing to do. Sceptile is still there.
>Sinnoh2/3 of its starters are good. Infernape and Empoleon. Infernape has a slew of sets available to be used. Also used to be used in VGC. Same with Empoleon. Infernape can be used as a mixed attacker, NP setter or SD setter while Empoleon is a special tank with quite some variety even if it's only the special tank set
>UnovaOnly one in Seprperior because of the broken ability Contrary
>KalosGrenigger and its busted Greninja-Ash form. The other two is..... well.... adorable to say the least
>AlolaAh. Yes. The King of VGC. Incineroar is coming. Primarina is also not bad in singles due to it's high SpA and equipped with Specs, it can 2HKO anything not named Blissey or Chansey. Decidueye is cool I guess.
Out of the 7 gens (I dont count 8 yet because I'm not sure how that will turn out but Cinderace is looking to be the only one who's good along with probably Inteleon leaving Rillaboom behind before its HA) 12/21 are good. So more than half of the starters are good. Counting Megas out though, 10/21. Still not bad. They are good in virtue also of their Base Stats but some, are just way too good especially with broken Abilities (Greninja, Serperior/Venusaur, and Blaziken)