>>42750158> criticism is toxicityincorrect. criticism is the demand for a superior product when the currently available product fails to meet the standards of the consumer or the industry. criticism CAN be toxicity, but so can shilling and defending and literally anything else when you take it to the extreme. just because you like these games doesn't mean they aren't lazy horseshit.
> keep it to yourself.this would accomplish nothing. we have seen the pattern of pokemon games: they cut more and more content and demand higher and higher prices. unless we voice our opinions, there is no chance that gamefreak will hear and improve next time around.
> having standards for a game is entitlement.this is a difficult to navigate minefield of words, since entitlement has gained a negative connotation as of recent. however, as the customer, the customer is PRECISELY entitled to a superior product that meets the expectations of the industry standard and/or the demands of the community or individual. it's also important to point out that expecting promises to be followed up on isn't "toxic entitlement," either. when gamefreak says they removed X feature because of Y reason, we expect that to be the truth. when gamefreak promises that pokemon is about doing X and having Y feature allows this to be possible and they never plan to remove those in the future, we expect them to uphold their promises.
> gitfs, not products> a gift is something given for free out of the kindness of one's hearts. these "games" are products made by a corporation. they are products meant to be bought and sold, just as you have bought them and gamefreak has sold them.these ARE products, not gifts. but
>>42750202 could've told you that.
> gamefreak triedgamefreak clearly didn't put forth their best efforts. this broken as fuck and sorry excuse for a triple-A videogame title is a testament to that. gamefreak has lied to us and cut content and been lazy and very jewish in their practices, but you just