my bat sense is tingling, you boys aren't doing crimes in here, are you?
>>42756915solid bird! the leg ring is a nice touch
>>42757246nice pose! 2nd is a big improvement
>>42757361>>42757378great first try! i like the first one a lot, has a muppetish kind of quality and could pass as a pokemon
>>42757472i love that this is so close to being a normal bird except for the face
>>42757604oh shit, this is good! damn, nicely done anon. probably gonna make the real thing disappointing.
>>42757814now this is art. the melty nacho cheese face texture really sells it.
>>42757925i actually love this a lot as an edgy counterpart, cool
>>42758145majestic. suitably smug face
>>42758307cute!! suitable counterpart for
>>42758950>>42758406i'm always here admiring everyone's creativity
>>42758412nice mook, will be formidable in a swarm. clever using that white piece for happy eyes.
>>42758807nice working with the theme with the red hands. cute!
>>42758950this is great! super cohesive. snufkin vibes.
>>42760511this would be perfectly viable as an actual murkrow evo
>>42760600nice use of accessories!
>>42760652oh damn, this one is really good. i love what you did with the hair and shoes.
>>42760679based af. looks pretty sweet in those colours
>>42761555thank you archive anon, you're a treasure
>>42762684not bad! the second one is really great, the feathered hat is top tier
>>42763034oh fuck, this is my favourite in the thread, would use. super clever use of the toes and beak, and i love the look of the head, especially with the eyes in the mouth like that
>>42763349frigatebirds? solid designs! that's a great thing to make from parts with this palette. i really like the dynamic pose on these.
>>42763859you got this anon