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No.42774932 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Pokemon Fandom and the Sonic Fandom are considered to be one of the worst video game fandoms around and yet:
>Sonic Fanbase had became less complacent with Sega, and are more willing to criticize and not buy newer releases if they fail to satisfy expectations.
>Sonic fans also proceeded to make their own Sonic game with Sega's approval and as a result, made a great Sonic title that is praised by everyone and does much better than a official 3D Sonic title by Sonic Team.
>Both Sonic and Non-Sonic fans heavily criticized the Movie Sonic's design and because the producers actually listened, we get a much better redesign that would end up making the movie much more successful as a result.
>Meanwhile, Pokemon fans will foam in the mouth and strangle each other if you dare criticize and boycott anything that Daddy Gamefreak or TPCI does.
And yet, there will still be Pokemon fans that will dare claim that they're at least better than the Sonic fanbase.