Going in for a second playthrough because I didn't like the team in my first one too much and don't wanna do the dlc with a team thats boring
>>42775306cool besides the two starters
>>42777149good taste
>>42777155triggering my autism with the tserena but fine otherwise
>>42777605pretty standard, lopunny is cool though
>>42779696based minus the alakazam
>>42780327double steel is triggering my autism but pretty cool
>>42780837sick, 10/10
>>42781002how long has it taken you?
>>42781079boring but hippo is based
>>42782560absolutely based. love pig and crawdaunt
>>42782606you gonna evolve that scyther? cool team
>>42785628decent team
>>42785635a non-standard plat team, good work
>>42785847aero that early is so lame
>>42788024weird team for that game but mostly cool pokes, hypno is based
>>42788948good taste
>>42788983gotta get around to playing this, cool team, warfaru is a must for me
>>42792696cool theme and team
>>42792816all cool pokes minus victini. druddigon and swanna are monsters
>>42794268sick team
>>42795022alright team, all the gens crossing is crossing wires for me though
>>42795182pretty standard but cool team, archeops is a killer
>>42799548incredibly based
>>42802209another garchomp staraptor luxray team yawn
>>42804576good taste
>>42805403masq and walrein make this team excellent
>>42805565whack as fuck
>>42806423bad team man sorry
>>42808995on a scale of 1 to 10 how autistic are you