>>42828640Tried to come up with a list, not too happy with the geography based ones since they're fairly broad, but this is all I've got anyway
>WaterCountries with strong maritime traditions (e.g. Britain, Netherlands) or island-based countries
>FireVolcanic countries (e.g. Indonesia)
>GrassCountries with a strong emphasis on environmentalism (e.g. NZ) or just countries with much of its nature still preserved. Alternatively/additionally, plains countries (e.g. Mongolia).
>FightingCountries that are aggressively liberal-democratic (e.g. America)
>SteelCountries with strong industrial history (e.g. Britain, Germany)
>ElectricHighly urbanized countries (e.g. Japan, Kuwait)
>Psychic>DarkCountries that are aggressively authoritarian (e.g. Russia, China)
>Ghost>DragonCountries with histories of imperialism (e.g. Japan, Britain)
>Fairy>GroundCountries with significant deserts (e.g. Saudi Arabia)
>RockCountries with strong terrestrial defenses/mountainous countries (e.g. Switzerland). Historical bulwarks could work too (e.g. Hungary, Ukraine).
>Poison>IceSnowy or icey countries (e.g. Canada, Norway)
>Flying>Bug>NormalHistorical contingencies would potentially deal with overflowing choices